Plan 10

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Me and my brothers are up above the second floor, observing. They prepare for battle but Leo stops us.

"Not until we know what they're up to." Leo stated. 

"Does it matter? They're not baking cookies." Raph stated. 

"Ew, what would Kraang cookies taste like? Chocolate chips and brains?" Mikey asked. 

"Quiet. Here they come." I stated. 

We look and see the krang dragging a man.

"Take it easy, guys! This has gotta be a bad dream. You're not gonna probe me, right? I'll do anything, but just no probing." The man stated. 

The machine activates as they strapped the man and a pigeon on a table.

"That's too big to be a probe, right?" Mikey asked. 

"The Kraang neuroswitcher will switch test subject's mind with that which is called a pigeon." Kraang stated. 

"Uh, I think I'd prefer the probing." I stated. 

"Okay, now!" Leo stated as we jump down and attack. 

"Turtles and the girl!" Kraang exclaimed. 

The machine activates and the man and pigeon started to get switched, Raph managed to pull the man out of the way and release him.

"Hey, mister? You okay?" Raph asked. 

But the man has the brain of a pigeon. He started to roam around the lab like a bird.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Raph exclaimed. 

Meanwhile, the pigeon has the brain of the man.

"Ugh, why do I have the urge to eat bread crumbs and poop on statues? No! No!" The man exclaimed. 

"Kraang test, successfully tested. Kraang, exterminate Turtles and the girl for Kraang." Kraang stated as they fired their guns. 

"Dude, it's too freaky! That guy's got the brain of a pigeon!" Mikey stated. 

"Which still makes him a lot smarter than you!" Raph stated. 

"Don't let him get hurt. Take those Kraang down fast." Leo stated. 

They battle the droids. Leo sliced down and leaped to the second floor as Donnie whacked away a few Kraang.

"Get me out of here!" The man exclaimed. 

Mikey frees the bird off its straps.

"I'll save you, Mr. Peepers!" Mikey exclaimed. 

He heads over to the man eating his own bird seed.

"Dude, get a hold of yourself, man." Mikey stated. 

"Did you really just say that?" Donnie and I asked in unison.  

A Kraang pushed Raph forward the side of the machine, but he turns on the Kraang and pins him down.

"The Turtles and the girl cannot win against the Kraang." Kraang stated. 

"Tell it to the ground." Raph stated. 

The Kraang dodged out of the way and Raph's sai accidently stabbed a part of the machine. They dodged the laser until it hit the man and pigeon.

"We got reverse brain switch!" Donnie stated. 

"Raph, we're good to go." I stated. 

"I'm busy here!" Raph stated. 

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