Invasion of the Squirrelanoids

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I was topside, trying to find the mutagen while I my brothers went in the shellraiser. I managed to find ten canisters around the same location and it was great to my advantage. 

I figured it was time to go back home, so I made sure I wasn't being followed and then went home.  

When I got back to the lair, I can hear Father lecturing my brothers, something about a complete stranger in the lair.

"Master Splinter, let me explain." Leo said. 

"Indeed. Please explain the reason you have brought a complete stranger into our secret, hidden lair!" Father stated. 

"Oh, you'll laugh your whiskers off when you hear this one." Leo stated. 

"It's pretty good." Mikey stated. 

"I would like to hear this too." I stated, in the doorway of the dojo. 

My brothers jump a little as they turn to me. 

"My child, how did it go with finding the mutagen?" Father asked. 

"It went great, found ten canisters." I stated. 

Later in the living room, the man wakes up, sees me and my brothers and then starts spouting nonsense. 

"I think that freaky squirrel made him a little nutty." Leo stated. 

"Dudes, I got this. I can totally translate crazy. He's saying, 'the squirrel licked some ooze and transformed into a mutant. It's been chasing me for days now, but I'm totally okay'." Mikey stated. 

"If by 'okay', you mean 'totally insane' then yeah, agreed." I stated. 

"Well, at least no one will believe a crazy guy if he talks about giant ninja turtles living in a sewer." Leo stated. 

All of sudden, the man gagged and vomited the squirrel not just one but two! We all scream out in horror and disgust.

"This... this is unprecedented! The squirrels replicate inside a host. They divided like a single-celled organism." Donnie stated. 

"That's exactly what happened in my comic! Well, not exactly. They exploded out of the dude's butt." Mikey stated. 

The man screamed as he started running, screaming 'leprechauns'.  

"I'll show our friend to the door!" Raph stated. 

"Raph, wait! Don't scare the guy anymore than you already have!" I screamed as I ran after him.  

Me and Raph returned back the lab. 

"Well, our friend's gone, but we still have plenty of crazy." Raph and I stated in unison. 

"There they go!" Mikey exclaimed. 

The squirrels race out of the lab and we try to catch them again.

"Quick! Help me seal off the lair. We can't let 'em escape!" Leo exclaimed. 

"Well, I don't exactly want 'em in here with us!" Raph shouted. 

"Get back here, you little nut-lover!" Mikey exclaimed. 

Mikey leaps onto his skateboard but trips. Donnie tried to whack it but the squirrel started to climb on top causing Donnie to toss it away while it landed on Leo's head. Then it started to scatter away.

"Not my room!" I screamed as I ran to shut and lock the door, but then they went into Mikey's room. 

I breathed a sigh of relief and then I see a squirrel enter the dojo.

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