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"Another day, another Kraang hunt." Mikey whined. 

"Story of our lives, big bro." I stated. 

"Hey, Raph, Y/n! Fire the weapons!" Mikey said. 

"I don't think so." Raph and I stated in unison. 

"See, that's your problem. If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firing at things all the time. That mailbox, blam. That newsstand, boom. That port-a-potty, splat." Mikey stated. 

"That is so gross, Mikey and that's coming from a girl who lives in the sewers with mutant turtles for brothers and a mutant rat for a father." I stated. 

"And that's why you're not in charge of the weapons. Now get back to your station and tell me which way to go." Leo stated. 

"Hmm. Okay. Uh, you should turn right three blocks ago." Mikey stated and we all groaned 

Later, the Shellraiser is in an alleyway. 

"This must be the hidden Kraang lab." Donnie stated. 

"Let's trash the place!" Raph exclaimed. 

"Hold on, Raph. This is a recon mission. We go in there, find out what the Kraang are up to, and then trash the place." Leo stated. 

"Fine. Wake me when we get to the trashing part." Raph stated as we went inside the lab. 

"Oh, man. Someone beat us to it." Raph whined.

"Sorry Raph." I said. 

There are dismembered droids and insect illustrations on the walls.

"It looks like one of their mutagen experiments got away from them." Leo stated. 

"Seems they were doing experiments on arthropods. Weird." Donnie stated. 

Mikey spins around on a chair. Nearby, Donnie finds a centrifuge.

"Hey, this equipment's still good. Whoo-hoo-hoo. Nice centrifuge." Donnie said. 

"If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me out of my misery." Raph stated. 

Mikey looks at a robot head before he senses something.

"Hmm? Hey, Donnie, how big do you think one of those arthropods might be?" Mikey asked. 

"Well, a bee is about 4 millimeters, and a wasp would be 6." Donnie stated. 

"Then what the heck are those?" Mikey asked, pointing up to the ceiling. 

From above on the ceiling are two giant mutant wasps. Their bodies was black and yellow and had green glowing eyes and veins. They started attacking us. One goes to Raph and tries to bite him and the other goes for Donnie. 

"Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!" Raph exclaimed. 

Donnie whacks it away and starts to fend it off. Raph tried to stab it but it body slammed him and tried to sting Donnie with its stinger.

"We need a plan, and fast." Leo stated. 

"I know. I'll catch then with my kusarigama chain." Mikey stated. 

"Those wasps is too strong. How about this? Mikey, you get them to chase you and we'll ambush them." Leo stated. 

"Why don't we ever do my plans?" Mikey asked.  

"Because they're your plans. Now go!" Leo stated. 

"Hey, wasp! Come and get it! Whoa!" Mikey exclaimed. 

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