Battle of New York part 2

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I don't own this picture! 


Later, everyone gets on board the blimp.

"So do we even have a real plan here or are we just winging it for laughs?" Raph asked. 

"It's all on the Mighty Mutanimals. First they break into T.C.R.I, then Doc Rockwell activates the portal." Donnie stated. 

"And then it's back to Dimension X! Yeah, boy! I get to be smart again." Mikey stated. 

"I get the first part. Makes sense. It's the 'save millions of mutated New Yorkers' part I don't get." Raph stated. 

"Well, Donnie's got his super Retro-Mutagen stuff. That'll work. Uh, right, Donnie?" Leo asked. 

"Heck yeah! And once we change all the humans back, Rockwell will hone in on us with the Kraang portal and, theoretically, teleport us all back to Earth. Hopefully. Maybe." Donnie stated. 

"Yep. We're doomed." Raph muttered. 

" It's an awesome plan, Raph. Dimension X, here we come!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"I just hope the Mutanimals don't screw this up. If they can't get that portal open, New York City will continue being a ghost town, under some freaky alien's control." I stated. 


The portal activates.. Above, the portal opens up in the sky.

"Yes! They did it!!" Mikey exclaimed. 

"Unbelievable." Leo muttered. 

"Hoist the mizzenmast, lads! This pirate ship's about to jack Dimension X!" Raph stated. 

"Ready your oxygen converters, guys." I stated as we all did just that. 

"Booyakasha!" Mikey exclaimed as we entered the portal. 

We arrived at the Dimension X upside down.

"Okay. Welcome back to Dimension X." Leo and I stated in unison. 

"Phew. Well, that's 23% better." Donnie stated. 

"And I got a way of making it a thousand times better. Booyakasha!" Mikey exclaimed. 

He transforms into Savage Mikey, causing Leo and Raph to cough.

"Mikey!" Donnie exclaimed. 

"Savage Mikey of Dimension X returns!" Mikey stated. 

"Again with the costumes?!" Raph asked, aggravated. 

"Let's just go with it. Great, Savage Mikey, so, uh, where do you think the Kraang are keeping all those mutated humans?" Leo asked. 

"Hold on. I can sense them close by with my organic antenna. That way!" Leo stated. 

"You heard the man, Donnie. Full speed ahead!" Raph stated. 


"So where are all the people? Feels like we've been searching forever." Mikey stated. 

"You got any idea where we're going, Mikey, for real?" Leo asked. 

"Of course I do, dude! But there are always surprises along the way." Mikey stated. 

"It's a Kraathatrogon! Man the defenses!" Donnie exclaimed. 

Raph fired trash balls at the creature and it lunged right into the balloon, causing it to pop and crash.

"Uh, I think I broke my brain." Mikey said. 

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