19. Bargain

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You made it home messy, dirty, smelly.

"Well?" You looked at Mei Mei. Shes the one who found you lying on the side of the road.
Her little brother Ui Ui helped carry you inside.

"She stinks.." he said scowling.
"Nothing's free y/n." Her index finger rubbed against her thumb. "Why did you help me Mei Mei? What do you want?"

Mei Mei walked into your small complex as she looked around. "You will repay me back somehow Y/n. Gojo, is the one who paid me to look for you."

"And why would he do that? I can't stand Ui Ui, thank you. I'm sorry you had to support my stinking body."

Ui Ui walked into your kitchen to wash himself as you leaned up against the wall starring at Mei Mei. "You still don't get it y/n. Gojo, is ordered to execute you on sight. He wanted me to propose his message to you. Bring Sukuna with you. Convince the King Of Curses to be executed and you along side."

"And if I don't?"

"Then Gojo will execute you on sight. Then Sukuna. Whichever he stumbles upon first. See, Gojo was tasked in killing Itadori. Since Itadori accepted his demise. Gojo let Itadori choose. He either died the day they brought him in or helped us collect the Sukunas fingers. Once Itadori had eaten all of the fingers then Gojo would execute Itadori along Sukuna."

Ui Ui walked up to Mei Mei with his hands behind his back starring at her with admiration. "Of course non of that worked out. Sukuna is now in control of Itadoris body. He's infatuated with you. The King Of Curses seemes to in a way listen and obey you." Mei Mei petted Ui Ui's head.

"Sukuna is running around freely doing as he pleases. Killing cursed spirits and sorcerers. Everything is out of control. Due to that. You also killed innocent people and wounded innocent people. Betrayed the sorcers as well. For whatever reason you did it I don't care.

But you are also to face your punishment for your actions. Sukuna and you."

"Good to know Mei Mei. Now tell them to kiss my ass. Tell those bastards I don't care what they say or do to me. My response is they can go fuck themselves-"

"Y/n, why are you defending Sukuna? I would understand if it was Itadori. But you are protecting a cursed Spirit. A dangerous one. Tell me, what all as he offered in return of your loyalty? Are you his pet? His lover? Did he promise you something? If that's the case, I'll bargain more than what he has offered."

Mei Mei smiled widely as her heals echoed in your room as she walked past you. "Think about it y/n. It's time you made bigger decisions based on facts. Not what you are feeling."

She left with Ui Ui.

You were at a blank. Coco Puff meowed at you as you walked past the little ball of fur.
Going into the bathroom you turned on the water taking off the clothes you got into the tub.
Closing your eyes submerging yourself staring up at the ceiling with the water fogging your vision.

(I'm thinking about pancakes..)

You screamed in the bath tub as bubbles came up. You cried and screamed within the water. Coming up for air gasping you looked around. What was it? This feeling? It was awful. It was painful. It was dreading. And it was out of your control. Submerging back into the water you screamed again slamming the sides of the tub.

(Those idiots. They didn't even come to save the people. They didn't show up to do anything because they wanted me to die. I know. I know.)

Coming back up air you realized it.

It wasn't a coincidence that there was an army of cursed spirits.

"Those bastards. The only ones who have cursed spirits as pets are the Zenins. They were the ones who released those things in a public area. It wasn't a coincidence I was there. It wasn't a coincidence it was San army of them. They knew I was there. They wanted to kill me even if it meant putting others at risk. And they call me a monster! Those bastards. I'll kill them all!"

After the tub you didn't even get dressed. You dried up. And went straight to bed.

Shutting your eyes for the night. "After some sleep.."

3 months
Walking down the street you were still wounded but determined.

Sukuna who walked past you. His black coat, black pants, piercings, shades, he was clean cut. He was different. You stopped and looked at him as he glanced at you and continued to walk away.

That wasn't Sukuna it couldn't have been him.
He stopped and looked over his shoulder. Your eyes widened realizing it was him. Sukuna looked away as he continued to walk away.

Not even a waive. Not even a word.
You were in shock for a while before shaking your head.

"He's fitting in.. He moved on.." you said smiling in relief. Yet it was also painful.

It was getting late. Very late. But you couldn't walk any longer. The pain on your heel was getting worse. It's only been a month.

"Hey gorgeous what are you doing here all alone?" A group of men surrounded you.
"What you here with no man?" The other asked in the most broken sentence you have ever heard.
"Give us you wallet. And we may let you go."

One took out a knife.

"I'm broke. Financially, I wouldn't even give you a penny if it meant my liver. Say, do you have money? That necklace around your neck. Is it real silver? If it is, that can get me 3 months worth of a meal."

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