24. Bigot

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"In any case. You are not my father. It doesn't matter. It's none of your business."

"It will always be my business."

Looking outside the cart to watch the lights glim from the city. "Is it-"

Gojo's hand reached out when you couldn't find the words to say. "You don't have to explain yourself."

"Gojo. I, I want to kill those who have wronged me."

Gojo kept his smile before slowly closing his hand into a fist.

"What is the point in saving them? They get in the way. We are sorcerers because we are not like those people. After what I went through. I felt like those people. We are stronger than an average human. At the same time we are weak because we are those people. So, are we sorcerers because we are not like those people, or are we sorcerers because we are like those people?"

"Y/n, you know the answer."

"Now that I know it wasn't any of the sorcerers that attacked me. From your reaction and words, that tells me a lot. It wasn't anyone from the Zenin clan. No matter how I attempted to see it. I was hoping the person who hurt me was forced to hurt me by someone else. Someone else who convinced them into hurting me. That's why I didn't fight back."

Your finger softly tapped the door of the cart before
They were not a sorcerer. They were your average human. No curse energy no special attacks or techniques. Just a person. I could have done something. Letting them hurt what I loved and hurt me. I felt like them. I felt just like them."

Gojo kept his focus on you. Hearing every word that came out of your mouth.
"An average bigot attacked me. It was just someone bad who decided to do a bad thing. The very same people we die to protect. The very same people that I sacrificed to save. A fucking bigot."

"You knew who attacked you." Gojo realized what you were leading to.

"Gojo, months ago. Curses swarmed a park."

"The same day you called for my help."

"Yeah, you never showed up. Sukuna did. It wasn't Mei Mei, it wasn't anyone I knew that came to save us. It was him, Sukuna. He fought them back and I was stuck trying to save a mom and her son. That same woman I saved with her son. It was her."

Your eyes looked side to side before looking into his blue eyes. "She was the one who attacked me, she killed my kitten. I-.. I didn't do anything. She wasn't the only one who assaulted me. Before her it was men. Before the men it was a thug. Before the thugs. Well, I could go on.
Haven't you realized it. When Sukuna was loose he killed criminals. He killed cursed spirits. He stopped all of that because I was still blinded by our ideology on defending them.

She came up to me. Thanked me for saving her and her son. I didn't think of her to be a threat. We, my guard. I-.." the ball in your throat became tight. "She petted Coco Puff, before she took out a knife and cut my kitten in half. Bigots, were never seen as a threat."

Frustration was clear for him to see as tears streamed down your cheeks. "She sprayed me with pepper spray and attacked me. I didn't fight back. I saw everything she did to me and my kitten. Gojo, I saved her life. That's how she thanked me. Those thugs that attacked me, Sukuna saved them from cursed spirits.
Where were you? Where were the sorcerers? Again, he was the only one there. So excuse me Gojo. But fuck the sorcers. Fuck you and everyone else. Fuck the ideology of what we should and shouldn't do. Bigots, should know their place and accept they are nothing."

Gojo kept his eyes locked with yours.
"Bigots." He repeated the word. (Those damn monkeys.) Geto's words echoed in his head.
What are you planning to do, y/n?"

"A long time ago, you had the chance to kill my brother. You didn't, now. Here's your chance."

Gojos heart skipped a beat seeing you as the resemblance of Geto. "To have you follow in his footsteps, it's not like you y/n. I know what you want me to do. I never told you this but your brother called them monkeys. We were on a mission to save a girl, you remind me of her."

"I believe I've heard the story. Megumi's father Toji who was born with a Heavenly restriction. Monkeys sounds like a good name. They are filthy bigoted monkeys that should be exterminated. These animals mean nothing to me. They are nothing to me. I will find her and her son."

Gojo's eyes widened as he raised his hand up as the purple light sphere spun in circles on his finger and index. Blue eyes ecstatic. Gojo's shoulder rose up and down as he inhaled and exhailed holding hollow purple still in his fingers. "Y/n. Don't."

You were sencer those eyes were no lie. Whatever you were going to say, whatever horrible things that were going to come out of your mouth. He didn't want to hear them.
Those memories of who you were before. That smile of yours. Why did he even once compare you to Riko? That sence of comfort and joy was the closest he could get to Geto. The two things he had lost, you were the best of both of them. Now hearing you seeing you. Geto. Riko.

(Who is she?) Gojo watched the light of his hollow purple create shadows that danced across the cart. The shadows casting across your face reflecting that look in your eyes. The eyes that made him remember that haunting face. That haunting smile.

"If I don't?" He asked hoping this was just something you were threatening. An act of passion. Some dark place that you are in.
"There's no question." You said smiling with confidence. "I hate them."

(Those filthy monkey's!) Gojo heard Getos voice coming out of your mouth. Even though you didn't say those words. It was a cold feeling.
You take out a small handgun out from the side as Gojo looks at the barrel.

"It's just like this." You said keeping that cocky smile

"Do you know how to use a gun?" Gojo looked back into your eyes.
"Never take out a gun and aim it at someone unless you know you are going to use it. Are you going to use Hollow Purple on me or not? If you just threaten me with it. This is what it's like. You had the opportunity to take the shot. You didn't. Here's your opportunity now."

"Y/n. Geto made his choice, I didn't take the shot because there were people around."

"Sacrifice a few to save many more."

Gojo cocked his head to the side. "That's not what we do y/n."

"No, that's we do." You responded back.

Gojo couldn't help but to shake the feeling that he was talking with Geto. "Gojo. Forget how you saw me. Forget how you view me. Just do it.."

Gojo stared into those eyes seeing them focusing on what your true intentions are. He just couldn't see it. Couldn't imagine it.

"You.." he lowered his hand as Hollow Purple disappeared. "Are not him."
You closed your eyes and smiled. "Such a shame." You pulled the trigger as Gojo jumped when a flag popped out of the gun the noise rang in his ear seeing the flag come out of barrel.

"You are right. I'm not my brother. I'm not you. But you will know who I am."

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