22. Curse of life

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How distasteful for him. As if he were to embrace the death of his own to prevent the loss of you.

Uraume walked up to Sukuna seeing this. Uraume can see all of it unfold before his eyes. In the eyes of his lord. His lord was weeping for a broken promise. It shattered Uraume to see such a look of despair and yet to see him admire the woman, y/n.

"My lord. If I may. Y/n is a distraction. We still have plans to-"
Sukuna waved Uraume with his hand. "It can wait."
Uraume flared his nostrils. "But-"

"I don't want to hear it Uraume. Who are you to remind me of my own plans." Sukuna turned to look at Uraume. "It's just, this woman. What have you become? What has this woman made you? She is controlling you. My Lord the look in your eyes-" Sukuna in a flash smacked Uraume.

The dresser and you looked at their direction.
"Uraume." Said in a smooth yet demanding tone. "Why don't you go and schedule my plans for tomorrow."

Uraume shut his eyes and bowed before leaving as Sukuna glared at him as he walked passing you and the dresser. "Uraume!" Sukuna called out.

"Yes my Lord?" He didn't even turn to look at Sukuna. "Apologies to them."

"For what?" You asked shocked as Uraume glared at you. Their eyes, piercing your gaze of of confusion.
"I apologize, Lady Y/n and you as well." Uraume bowed to you and the dressing Lady.

"No! No don't ever apologize!" You held their shoulders. "Don't you ever apologize for something you did not do. Instead." You bowed to Uraume. "I'm sorry." Uraume looked at you in disgust and the dresser who also bowed.

"Uraume! Leave!" Sukuna barked out. Uraume walked gracefully out of the store.

"Is everything okay?" You asked and Sukuna's expression relaxed when his eyes focused on you. How different you look. How clean you look. Sweet, happy, and he himself has been enjoying this little pretend game.

Pretending to be something he is not. He knew exactly what Uraume meant. Sukuna reached out to caress your cheek with his thumb. What condition he found you. The things he had to change.

What a foolish woman. To change the man Uraume has always admired and loyaly followed for so long. Such a thing to think a woman like you to make Uraume notice what a drastic change had occurred to Sukuna.

"Close your eyes." Sukuna shut his eyes as you grabbed his hands and put them over his face. "Don't look!" Sukuna waited as you came in with a cake. "Now open them!" He removed his hands from his face and looked down to see a birthday cake. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" You shouted as he was left stunned.

"My birthday? It's not my birthday." He said in a bland tone looking at the cake.
"Oh? Yeah sorry. I know. I uhm. I think you mentioned it but I forgot sorry!" You scratched your head. "But I wanted you to have something. I know maybe to you it's a nothing. But I thought it would be something nice. I don't want you thinking as if everything we have to do in our lives is meaningless or that everything has to have some kind of meaning.

You know. Just because you are knowledgeable of something doesn't always mean you understand it."

Uraume was in the kitchen their eyes shook in disbelief of what you just said. They looked to you and Sukuna. "That is disputable. Knowledgeable means you understand." Uraume commented.

"Yet, this woman. Her wisdom. For what she knows of nothing. Yet knows of everything. Uraume, you know me very well old friend. Yet you don't understand me. I know y/n and she surprises me."
Sukuna smiled as he looked at the cup with his favorite chocolate milk mix.

"I even remembered how many tablespoons you put into the milk. So I hope it's as you like!" Sukuna took a sip and looked at you in approval. "Well come on! Make a wish!"

Sukuna laughed. "I have no wishes! They wont-" he paused as he looked at Coco Puff wearing a birthday hat you had the cat all dressed up for the birthday. Glancing at Uraume it was even more surprised that of all people you convinced Uraume to dress up for this (birthday).

"No one ever celebrated my Lords birthday. He has no wishes. Wishes are for those who want and need." Uraume pointed out. "A wish would be pointless."

Sukuna eyes looked back to you as you got the plates ready with a knife to cut the birthday cake. "Ryomen Sukuna, even if you have nothing to wish. Trust me on this."

His smile faded hearing you say his full name while you held the knife ein hand. Narrowing his eyes at the candles. As many as you could put into the birthday cake all lit up. He held in his breath and blew out the candles.

"This is. This is what it would be like to see through your eyes. These new ways of life. The simplistic. The only cursed spirits of this world and the humans within this mess.
Despite what has occurred in your life. Seeing you now. You don't desire revenge. You are not in the search for blood. You have enemies but act like you have no enemies. Aware of what outcomes occur. Y/n. Do you no longer wish for your friend?"

He looked into his open palms. (She- I want her to teach me what she knows. Deep down inside she is a monster. Deep down inside of her kindness their is something boiling. She burried all of her pain, regrets. She hates me. Despises me. Yet this woman is here with me continuously feeding my ego. What is this sense of duty she has?)

On the side Sukuna worked with Uraume and other cursed spirits. Sukuna would sit on a chair during the meetings staring off into the corner listening but also thinking about you. As Uraume spoke for him.

"Is he not leashed by a human?" One spirit asked.

Sukuna turned laughing executing them on the spot.

Days were going by fast. 2 years felt like a month to him.

Till you didn't come back home one night.
His eyes widened seeing you covered in blood at the park that you usually go with Coco Puff.

His eyes whitened like milk. He saw something he never imagined to see. Flames erupted out bursting high up onto the night sky. They circled into a tornado. Engulfing, destroying, burning away anyone and everything.

Destroyed the park that was but a cradle of nothing. Except the tree that you would put Coco Puff on stood. The Cherry blossoms were untouched. Everything else. Everyone else. Gone. Not even the lake water was there.

Carrying you out through the flames. Stepped out from the flames with you in his arms the ashes that landed on you blew away.

You cried and cried for days.
Uraume would change your bandages as you were bed ridden.
You didn't smile, eat, or talk to him. Only holding the small things that were once Coco Puffs.

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