Chapter 36

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Bri I am so fuckin sorry! I'm sorry! Leah cried hard with tears running down her face.

It's not your fault! I assured her as we made it to Kyras car. I wiped my tears and she kept crying.

He'd never put his hands on a female! He had to be off something. I'm sorry!

Leah it's okay I'm fine!

Y'all we need to go now the police is around here! Kyra cried.

They didn't see what happened outside the club. It was just me, Shooter, the dude, the two bouncers, Quan and a few other niggas. "Yo what the fuck y'all doing here?" Quan asked as his car barley stopped. "Bri leave now! Leah get yo ass in My car!" He yelled at her.

I'll call you tomorrow babe, I promise. I hugged her and he pulled her away. I got In The car and Kyra pulled off so fast. I felt so sick as all the liquor was getting to me, but it was over shadowed by my embarrassment! I can't believe he put his hands on me and kilt someone in front of me.

Shooter didn't have no remorse for what he did. His eyes was black and cold. He didn't give a fuck if that was his friend. James would never did anything he just did. Shooter was a whole different person.

I ran into my house and to the first bathroom and threw up all the liquor. I had way to much to drink and I shouldn't of been mixing light and dark.

I curled up holding myself, I can't believe the night I just had.


My phone rang and rang and rang. I turned my head flipping it over and it was Leah AGAIN. I just wanted to sleep this hangover off.

She started calling again. I declined the call and went to my messages. I sent her my location and threw my phone down. I turned over putting head under the pillow in anger. My fuckin head was spinning! This is why I stick to wine and that's it!

I woke up to banging on the door. "WHAT THE FUCK.!" I screamed getting out my bed. I walked down the stairs and Kyra was getting up as well. I swung the door open pissed off.

Damn Leah I forgot I just sent you my location, come in! She look like she ain't been to sleep yet. Her eyes was so red and puffy, face was swollen.

Damn girl you okay? Kyra asked closing the door. We walked over to my livingroom area and sat on the floor.

He's not answering his phone! And Quan found his car abandoned on the south side this morning. She said crying.

He's probably somewhere blowing steam off. I'm sure he'll call you!

You don't understand he's not his self when he's mad and off liquor. He killed his friend! Woo family don't play that Shìt he's probably dead.

Okay now your thinking too much into it. He's probably some where fine.

And if he's not? Then what? Not only do I have this to worry about. My parents just kicked me out for coming into the house late and drunk. Said it was their last straw and I gotta go!

You can stay here! My house is open. As you can see I don't have shit but I do have three bedrooms, one is yours if you need it.

Shiddd I want one! Kyra said popping her neck.

You can stay long as you want Kyra! I said rolling g my eyes.

I just need to know my brother is okay! He's all I have left! My dad died, I'm not sure about my mom, I was put into foster care, my other older brother left one night and NEVER returned I don't even know if he's still alive. I have nothing but him! And we been apart for so many years because my parents didn't like him and thought because he's a king pin I shouldn't be around him and he's just gonna get me kilt and other shit! I love my brother and I just wanna protect him.

I get it, I'll protect my brothers at all cost as well! They mean the world to me. So I get it I know how you feel. But Shooters a grown man. He knows what he's doing and as powerful as he is I know someone hasn't tried him. I'm sure he's some where safe probably trying to get off his hang over.

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