Chapter 24

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Life around me been changing so quickly and I didn't stop to see it. I've been on 4 dates with Mitch. After he left I flew to Miami two weeks later and two weeks after that he flew back here and two weeks after that I flew back to Miami and now this weekend he's coming back up.

I liked dating! He wasn't pressuring me into having sex or anything he genuinely liked spending time with me, and I liked spending time with him. And we actually dated. We've been to different restaurants and done all sorts of things. Picnics, arcades like kids, art galleries and museums. He seemed to let me show all my interest and we explored them. He's even helped me go shopping for work and I had a whole fashion show for him inside the store showing him different scrubs.

I was still scared on the inside that this was gonna go somewhere that I wasn't ready for and I was gonna get hurt.

We both promised to take things slow and just treat each other as friends until I was ready. I respected that so much.

Where you been? Quan asked coming into my office.

Why you in my business?

Because you my sis and I can be plus my business partner until bro get back. You been off your game a lil bit.

No I haven't!

Yeah you have! Get rid of that nigga Mitch!

Mitch has nothing to do with anything.

You gone get him killed!

Why does everyone result to violence?

Because we killers it's what we do.

Y'all all, every single one of y'all need chill pills! Take one and stay out my business.

Man (he sucked his teeth) bro said come see him.

I can't....I'm busy!

No your not! You want me to tell him you been dating one his workers you see what happened to the last security guard!

Okay DayDay!( I rolled my eyes) "I'm sure you already told him with your messy ass!"

Okay so what that's besides the point! He not in the right state of mind since he been in jail. You don't know Shooter like you think you do. And this side of him he on right now isn't good. He need someone and he loves you. Go see him and check on him Ight!

He does not love me! Where is his wife? Why she not visiting him?

He don't want that bitch!

Bye Quan all you wanna do is play!

What kinda flowers yo boy want for his casket? Or you? You want some blue ones? Where you wanna be buried at?

Quan you think you real cute! I laughed.

Sexy as fuck actually! You gone be real dead when he get out of jail!

He got a wife!

He's in love with you! This is why y'all belong together y'all both stubborn as hell.

Quan do you not know how many times I poured my heart out to that man just for him to fuck me over. How many times I said I loved him for him to just blow me off and never say it back.

He's scared to love but for what it's worth sis that man love you! I been his bestfriend for 10 years, I know him like the back of my own hand. He got a real soft spot for you. Why you think he chose you out of all people to run his business. I been his right hand man forever and he didn't even trust me to do it but you, you he trust and he love. He moved you in when he barely knew you it says a lot.

Bro you tryna guilt trip me?

Not at all just tryna help you see the unspoken! He said before getting up and leaving the room. I took a deep breath as his last few words played in my head. After awhile I got up grabbing my purse to leave.


When i walked into the visitor center all this emotion came running through me. The back door opened and Cali walked out. She looked at me smirking as she walked towards me.

What are you doing here ugly? She asked with laughter.

You want your ass beat again? I don't give a fuck about going to jail!

I promise you bitch when he get out ima maje him watch while i kill you!

Why wait? Cali please count your days! I smiled. I walked away. I signed my name on the visitors log and was token to the back. I sat at the table waiting. I haven't been here for a visit in a long time.

Shooter came in and didn't look like his self. He sat at the table and looked at me like he hated me. The same look he had that night at the club when he shot Woo.

Do you love me? I blurted out. It was like word vomit and I couldn't control it.


James do you love me and be honest!

What does that have to do with anything? How's business? Ain't you fuckin on Mitch, that nigga a low budget version of me.

Exactly what I thought! I stood up to leave. I turned to walk away when something said stop. I walked back to the table and looked at him as tears came down my face. "I fell in love with you from the moment I met you! And as stupid as that was I couldn't help it. Everything in my life has always came with a price and that's including you. When I got shot you was all I thought about. How my happiness got token away from me. I really thought we was building something together and you left! You left and went and started a new life with someone else! You turned around and got married!"


BRIONNA NOTHING YOU'RE GONNA SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN TO ME! You came back and did what you always do you fucked me and left me. You let me tell you over and over again how I felt when you knew damn well you didn't feel the same! When you knew you had someone else! You ain't did shit but make me your bitch and I fell for the okie dok thinking because you wanted me to do this that somehow, somewhere deep inside apart of you felt the same for me because I loved you! And here I am dating after all these months of hell, after finding out you have someone else, after using me, I CANNOT STOP CRYING because I love you and I'm scared to keep dating because I think I'm gonna ruin someone else because you ruined me. I wiped my tears and he just looked at me angry.

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