The End

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I closed my car door in exhaustion. My first week back to work and I pulled 16hrs shifts 6 days in a row. It's been weeks almost a month since I kicked everyone out my house. I haven't spoken to Kyra, Trey, or Quan since then. I felt like I was betrayed.

I walked towards my house and seen someone standing at my door. "Can I help you?" I asked holding my gun through my purse.

Bri? A female voice called out sounding like she was crying. I noticed who it was as I got closer.

Leah what's wrong are you okay?

I'm sorry, it's so late I didn't know where else to go! I been trying to call Trey for weeks now snd I haven't gotten a text, or call back.

It's okay, here come in. I opened my house door for her to come in behind me. I closed and locked my door. I kicked my shoes off and sat my stuff down. "I haven't talked to him or Quan and Kyra in weeks. I kicked them out my house because they lied to me."

About what? I just wanna talk to Trey. Let him know I love him and give him an update on our baby. Shooter had me locked up for so long.

He had you locked up?

Yes! He hired security for the house and took my phone. Said he wouldn't let me out until I agreed to get an abortion.

Excuse me? Did you...?

No, no I didn't. He left to go out of town almost two months ago. I haven't heard from him since. That's the only reason why he gave me my phone back. He was so mad at me Bri he had security change the locks to his house after I left...

So where have you been staying?

I had a few dollars so I was staying in a hotel. But now I'm running out of money which is why I need Trey.

Look you can stay here but Trey and then can't.

Can I ask why you kicked them out?

They lied to me, right to my face. All because they wanted Shooter to stop talking to me because they felt like he was responsible for me getting shot and they feel like if I keep messing with him then I will die. So they told me that he had a girl come to the hospital to see him and she was pregnant with his baby. Trey then called someone some girl and she basically confirmed it. But I don't know what to believe because I ended up being so angry not being able to handle my emotions and I pulled up on him cause I wanted to talk and when I found him at the trap he was standing outside talking to some girl which who indeed was pregnant so I don't know what's true or not. But they did the unthinkable and betrayed me lying to me like that.

He doesn't have a girlfriend or a baby on the way. He's my brother I for sure would know.

Leah I love you girl but people are so good at hiding things.

Not something like that. My brother would have told me. He doesn't have a baby on the way.

I hear you Leah but it's whatever. Our worlds could never collide again and I'm okay with that!

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