Chapter 38

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I woke up feeling sick as fuck. I ran to the bathroom and I started throwing up. I gripped the sink as my stomach felt like it was doing all types of flips. What the fuck did I eat! Whatever it was this little baby was not fuckin with it. I haven't taken a test but I know I'm pregnant I just freaking know I am. The smell of alcohol fucks me up, whatever I eat is not sitting to well with me, I wake up in the morning and night sick as hell. I'm so tired I can't even keep my eyes open. I never have pain during sex and the other night it just hurted like something was wrong and that never happened before. I know I'm pregnant and I'm feeling out because a miscarriage isn't something you can control and I've already experienced that and I don't want it to happen again.

I heard the room door open and it was 3am. James was walking in and the smell of weed followed him. I could hear him looking around the room. "Bae?" He called out as if he was in a panic. "Bae!" He finally came passed the bathroom and a look of relief came across his face. "What's wrong?" He asked as he came into the bathroom. He kneeled down to me and lifted my chin up to look at him. "Why are you crying Brionna?" He asked really concerned.

I'm scared...

Of what baby talk to me?

I'm pregnant!

He looked at me shocked and was at a lost for words.  "You sure?"

No I'm not entirely sure but James my boobs hurt, like I can't lay on them. All I fuckin do is cry! I'm so fuckin emotional! Nothing sits well with my stomach. I wake up out my sleep just to throw up. The smell of alcohol make me wanna jump off a bridge, and all I wanna eat for fuck sake is a fuckin pickle wrapped in cheese. Like that shit sounds nasty but it's good! And I'm FUCKIN SLEEPY! I JUST WANNA GET SOME FUCKIN SLEEP BUT ALL I FUCKIN DO IS SLEEP!

Okay, okay if your pregnant what's the problem?

What the fuck do you mean what's the problem?
Are you slow? I can't have a baby!

Aye look at me! Brionna look at me! He turned my head to look back at him. He wiped my face and I could see the hurt in his eyes. "We're married now it's not just you that's pregnant it's us! I know your scared and knowing you like I do inside and out your scared that your gonna miscarry again. If it's our time it's our time if not God will bless us when it's our time ain't nothing to rush into. You will make an amazing mother and nothing in this world can take that away from you. You got me behind you 100%. If we are pregnant we are gonna get you the best doctors and nurses or your care to make sure nothing happens you understand me?! Brionna do you understand?"


He pulled me up to hug him and he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead. "It's gonna be alright I got you!"

What if it happens? What if I can't complete our family?

A baby doesn't always complete a family. I never even thought about having kids until I met you. Plus there is a bunch of alternatives we can adopt like kids need homes all the time. But we not gone think like that. God will protect your womb from any harm and I'll always protect you!

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