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*Adrian's POV*

Taylor sits beside me looking tired as ever. I wonder if she got any sleep last night. I'll be sure to ask her about it as Scarface.

Just then I hear my phone ping and check it. Once I realize who it's from I realize my mistake. I look up to see if Taylor noticed and sure enough, she did.

We make eye contact and I feel all the color drain from my face.

"Who texted you?" Taylor says with a smug look.

"I- Uh. Nobody. Just my dad," I try to say with confidence but it came out as full on blubbering.

God, I probably look stupid.

Taylor nods then pulls out her phone. And I hear another ping.

"Are you sure it's your dad, Scarface?" She says, with a knowing look.

I sigh and reply, "It's you texting, yes I'm Scarface."

She looks almost relieved?

"Am I not what you expected?" I say with a laugh.

"No but I'm not disappointed," She says.

I don't know why but I'm glad she's not. Yes, she's a bitch. But I know she has a soft side somewhere in there.

"Well, at least someone knows, but you absolutely cannot tell anyone," I say with a serious look.

"I won't, your secret is safe with me Scarface," She says with a laugh.

I nod in reply.

"Did you not get any sleep last night? You don't look yourself," I say kind of worried.

"Okay, ouch, but no I did not. Nightmares," She replies with a weak smile.

"I did not mean it like that, you always look good, even now, you just-" She cuts me off before I can finish.

"Shh it's okay I know what you meant Gomez. Don't worry," she says.

I nod in reply. We continue the rest of the class period in comfortable conversations. Asking about each other.

Her favorite color is blue. She's been a fan of Overkill since we first started because of Aurora.

Before I know it, the bell rings and we walk together to our next class. And eventually the school day is over.

*Taylor's POV*

So. Adrian Gomez has invited me to go to dinner with her and her bandmates. I have no idea what to wear. She said it was a fancy restaurant.

I look into my closet and pick out a black dress with a slit at the thigh. I can't help but the feel need to impress her annoying ass.

I look into the mirror for a final look and wait downstairs for her to pick me up.

She shows up a few minutes later in her Mustang. She looks jaw dropping.

She confidently got out of her car. Walking towards the passenger door with a black turtleneck covering her neck and a black blazer over it with black slacks and black shoes. She was absolutely beautiful.

I stared in awe as she opened the door for me and waited for me to get in.

"Here you go, Scott," She says with a charming smile.

I walk to the door and get in and mumble a thank you.

She walks back to the driver side and begins the drive to the restaurant.

We make it there in about 5 minutes with everyone else waiting for us in the parking lot.

"Hurry up Adrian, I'm starving," Elijah says to her while waving us to the door.

"Jesus Christ, we're coming. Calm down, you won't die," Adrian replies.

We walk into the restaurant and I recognize it as the one I use to eat at with my father on weekends when I was younger.

A hostess appears in front of us and leads us to a table in a private area of the restaurant, presumably so people don't put two and two together and figure out that Adrian is the guitarist and Elijah is the drummer.

Adrian politely pulls out my seat for me and I look up to see Aurora smirking at me to which I politely shoot her the middle finger.

"So Taylor, when are you and Adrian here gonna make it official," Adonis says while pointing at the both of us.

"Uhh, I don't know about that," Adrian says while her face turns red in embarrassment.

"Yeah it's a bit too early, plus she still annoys the hell out of me," I say in response.

Adrian rolls her eyes at my comment and begins looking at the menu to figure out what she wants. I should probably do the same.

I pick up the menu and scan over the items. I look about 5 times before I decide to get pasta with a Strawberry Lemonade.

Our waitress comes to our table and we all order our food and drinks.

"You know I think you guys would be a great couple," Aurora says in between sips of her water.

"Yeah, no thanks," I say to her while turning to look at Adrian.

She frowns while fiddling with her necklace. She looks kind of hurt. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

"Adrian, you should try out for the basketball team, give you something to do when we're not performing," Elijah says.

"But won't it interfere on days we are performing or rehearsing?" Adrian asks.

"We can work around it. You know I play, so does Adonis," Elijah responds matter of factly.

"You definitely should, I'm a cheerleader, and I wouldn't mind cheering some actual talent," I chime in with a sly smirk to Elijah.

"I just- fine. I suppose I will," Adrian says, finally giving in while rolling her eyes.

We all laugh and joke; even while we're eating. It feels nice to be with them. It's like an escape from my life of having to be the "perfect little daughter" 24/7.

They all are so relaxed and at ease. They're not scared to be themselves. Even Adrian. I admire her. But I can't let her get too close to me and I can't let myself get too close to her.

She can't know I'm not that "perfect girl" that gets showcased around. That I'm not the strong Taylor Scott that I make it seem like I am.

I frown and continue to get lost in my thoughts until I feel a tapping on my shoulder. It's Marion.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

"Oh yes I'm okay, just thinking," I say with a smile.

"I'm just checking on you, love, let me know if you need anything," He says softly.

I nod in response. Jesus. I'm so confused with my life.

"You ready to go, Scott?" Adrian asks me while standing up.

"Yes, I am," I reply shortly.

I say my goodbyes to everyone and Adrian drives me home.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Scott," Adrian says to me as she closes the passenger door for me.

"Unfortunately, I'll see you too, Gomez," I reply with a smile.

She waits for me to walk inside before getting into her car and driving off. So sweet.

Hello everyone!!! I'm sorry that this is short but I promise I'll make it up to you guys! MUAH🫶🏻.

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