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*Adrian's POV*

This practice is nearly killing me. I'm a very active person but Coach Harris has us running for every mistake. And I love my teammates, but geez. They make a lot of mistakes.

When Coach tells them to do a chest pass they do a bounce pass then vice versa. Like come on man.

And to make things worse the cheerleaders have one half of the court. So good ole Taylor Scott is on the other half and I've caught her staring once or twice.

I'd be lying if I said she didn't look good. She looks hot in the t-shirt and nike shorts. If she wasn't such a bitch, I wouldn't be able to resist myself.

Anyways, back to practice. The running is getting exhausting. But just as I finish that thought Coach Harris blows her whistle and calls us over.

"Alright guys, here's the schedule, first game is in a week," She says while handing out the schedules.

"We're playing Northwest for our first game?" my teammate, Nora, asks.

"Yes, but if we actually practice and not horseplay," Coach Harris says while side-eyeing the two best friends, Kaylee and Harper, "We can win against them."

I nod along and look over the schedule. We're playing a total of 37 games. Not bad.

We say our chant and begin to pack up to go home. And I look over and see Taylor's stuff near mine.

Just great. My luck.

I hurriedly walk over there and, of course, the cheerleaders get done with their practice as well.

I take off my basketball shoes and throw on my slides while chugging my water when Taylor Scott herself walks up.

"Move, Gomez," She says rudely while grabbing her stuff.

I don't even have time to react or say anything before she walks away with her stuff in hand.

I just roll my eyes begin my way to my car so I can get ready for the party tonight.

I sigh as I crank up my car and begin the drive home, playing some 90's Nas to relax my nerves.

There's nothing better than Illmatic at 5PM.

I arrive home and hurriedly run inside so I can shower. Elijah texted on my way here and said he'd be here in about an hour.

I get out the shower and go to my room to get ready.

I walk into my closet and decide on an outfit.

I choose a slim flit black shirt with blue jeans and some white shoes. I also put on my "A" chain with my silver rings. I look quite good.

I look into the mirror and just then I hear a horn honking outside. We're not riding together but he wanted to drive there at the same time.

I rush downstairs and hop into my car.

We begin on our way to Malcolm's house and I follow Elijah since he has the address.

We arrive and this house is huge. They're pretty rich it seems.

"You ready to have some fun AG," Elijah says while we walk up to the front door.

"Oh of course," I say in reply, trying to hide my sarcasm.

We walk in the house and the smell of alcohol, weed, sex, and sweat fill my nose. Ew.

Elijah is immediately greeted at the door and is whisked away by a group of people and I'm left by my lonesome. At a party where I know absolutely nobody.

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