{~chapter 3: What are you?~}

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I look at this thing for a bit, nothing but the small white pupil could be seen in it's eyes. It moves closer to me, attempting to try and trick me to make it seem like it wasn't moving but i'm no fool. In a slow pace and I step back a bit but the creature gets faster and then starts charging towards me. I sprint the other direction to escape it but it was fast. The thing was around seven inches away from me and I try to lose it. I run in zig-zags but it's like it has a tracker on me, always knowing where i go next. I try to do the most complicated turns but its still on my trail. My long black hair was all in my face and I couldn't see but I knew that I was close to a tunnel that i had found not long ago. Finally, after running for what felt like twenty minutes, I see the  tunnel I had found that day. I slide right into the hole and crawl in it's dark tunnel. It was far too big for the thing that was chasing me but the perfect size for me.

 i could barly see but the darkness of the tunnel starts to become brighter and I crawl right out of it to find a white plain covered in trees. I sprint to find a huge tree to hide behind, but I was starting to lose breath and the world was becoming a bit shaky but thankfully I found a huge white-ish tree to hide behind. The light bark basically blended into the snow and if i'm lucky That thing is hopefully colorblind. I hear foot steps crunch in the snow and i peek to check if it's the thing. And yes, i'm an idiot for looking but i'm also curious. I barely see the until i focus on the eyes. Those things freaked me out, but what was more concerning was the fact that the creatures mouth was wide open to it's chest. 

(words 347)

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