{~Chapter 5: The place below the surface~}

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I have a massive headache as I sit up in what seems to be a hospital bed. I look around,Theres five hospital beds lined up by each other with about 8 inches between each of them.Theres a bunch of medical stuff all over the place on a counter in front of the beds, only two doors on each side, and no windows. A wave of panic come to me as I realize this and I look around for potential weapons. I go through all the things in the drawers next to me. Suddenly, I hear something hits the ground behind one of the doors and the door on the left opens and I start to grab the needle that I had found in the drawer. A Man, or at least he's a male, comes out and I stare at him for a few seconds and can tell he's not a threat. he looks at me scared and says "can you put that needle down" and I realize that I still had the needle in my hand like I was going to stab him "sorry about that" I say as I set the needle down. We sit in silence and I observe the person who i refuse to call a 'man' because this guy could never win a fight, not even against a kid. This guy was tall but very weak, he had very blond hair i mistaken it for white at first glance, he had a sad puppy kinda look on his face. I could tell this guy was demoted to the medic in whatever kind of fissility this is. He glances at me like i'm going to kill him. I probably will. 

A few minutes later, a knock on the right door fills the intense silence. A person walks in. A woman probably in her forties, She has red hair with a few gray streaks. But for a person in her forties she is strong, or at least looks like it. She stairs at me, smiles, and says "Good morning kid." I immediately reach for the needle again wide-eyed. This woman could actually harm me and my brain was too slow to notice. "woah kid calm down your going to make you injuries worse." I stare at her and think to myself wait wasn't i attacked. I look at her and asked what happened. She tells me that she found me being attacked in the middle of the forest on her way back from doing something and picked me up so I wouldn't die. I pick up all my thoughts and remember the most of what happened. " tell me what those things are" And with that being said she sighed and said "ok"

(words: 457) :P

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