{~Chapter 7: I hate idiots~}

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I was shocked by this and look more into it. What I read shows me that they have been trying to make some type of virus that makes you stronger. Could have chose a better name though. I heard people coming and I quickly ran back to my bed and laid down. The boys came in and I tried to put on my best poker face. "hey heather" Kyle said as him and Michel walked in. "sup" I responded awkwardly. I need a better poker face I thought as They walk back into Michels office. Once the coast was clear I decided to take a little detour. Slowly, I get out of my bed and walk to the door. I walk out the door and see a hallway. What else was I expecting. Quietly I walk down the hallway and into a bigger room. kind of like a school cafeteria. It feels weird to be in one of these again. I shake the feeling of nostalgia away and continue to walk around.                                      

After a while I find a room that is open and I enter it. A chalkboard as big as a bus with many red strings connected to a single picture in the middle. The Schmerz. I touch the strings and look at all the papers on the board. News letters, pictures, everything that has a connection with this creature. I stare gathering all this information and see a photo that caught my attention. It's an article photo and it shows a kid with his father. the boy looks so familiar somehow, as if i've seen him before. I touch this photo and stare at it for a few more minutes. My attention was broken when I heard someone enter the room. I jerk back to see who it is and its a tall man and an elder. "hello" the old man says. "you must be the kid who Kathryn found. Heather am I right?" I look at this man for a minute and respond "yes." He looks at the chalk board and back at me. "Your interested in the Schmerz aren't you." I look back at the photo in the middle and then respond with "yes. But only to find out how to kill it." the old man had found his way beside me without me noticing. from afar you couldn't tell but this man was probably only 5'1 with gray-ish white hair. As I was figuring out every detail I can see about this man, He looks up at me and tells me "I can help you achieve that goal."

(words: 433) >:D

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