{~chapter 6: That's good to know~}

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"Those things outside are called Schmerz" she continued " I know it's a stupid name but where fancy here and gotta' have a name for this thing so we named it pain in german because they where invented here but a bunch of wackos"she continued with a whole history lesson on where the name came from. This woman annoys me but I know I must figure out what those things are and stop them before more people die.                                                                                                                      I interrupted and asked her "how do we kill them." she looked at me and sighed "we can't honey, if we could they would already be dead." I thought for a moment. "are their only you to" I ask and she shakes her head and responds "nope theirs a few more people here down in this bunker." So we are under ground I thought and looked up at her to say " what do those things want" She looked at me and said "murder" Michel winced at the word. What a loser or maybe thats just my teen self talking.                                                                                                                                          I wanted to know more but couldn't find the questions to ask but ,I guess, to my luck she said "well you should get some rest you head and torso was pretty damaged from that attack. I realized that she was right their where bandages wrapped around my torso "Sure" and with that I fell asleep. to the sound of Michel cleaning the med room.

A loud clang woke me up. It was Michel carrying a bunch of metal stuff that I had no care for. I looked up at the roof. and counted the tiles on the ceiling to help feed my boredom.          Someone knocked on the door. It most certainly was not that woman who finally had told me her name after like 20 minutes of talking was Kathryn. anyways the knock was a lot calmer than her's and instead of just breaking her way in this person waited. Then Michel came out of the office which to me still looks like a closet and sped walked to the door. The person behind it was a bit shorter than Michel, probably about 5,9, and had light dark hair and skin, a lot tougher looking then Michel but looked weaker than Kathryn. "hey" he waved to Michel and he waved back. He doesn't talk much. The man walked towards me and put is hand out to shake mine. I shook his hand back. I could tell this guy was no harm and with the needle ,that is still close to me, I could harm him if he tries anything. "I'm Kyle" he says with a light grin " Heather" I replied with a blank face. He could tell I disliked this place and said "would you like breakfast" and I nodded. I had relized the last I had eaten was two days ago. As he walks out he whispers something to Michel and leaves. Michel looks at me and then walks to his office.

It takes about 10 minutes for him to come back and by then i'm starving. He hands me the food and I eat it like a animal. He walks to Michel's office and knocks on the door. Michel opens it and lets him in. I really think that their planning something with the suspicious vibe that comes from that guy and the innocent ness of Michel. Kyle could easily manipulate him.They walk out talking abot whats for dinner and stuff so once I finish my food, I decide to see what they where doing in his office. I walk up to Michels office and open the door slightly and saw a computer screen open and sit in the chair in front of it. The screen had read "Strength Virus."

[note: Hi the author here and I just wanted to say I have no schedule for this comic and is made entirely in my free time but i'm trying to make chapters longer so they can be more enjoyable. have a nice day and be better than me and drink water <3]


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