I like you!

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Lee Know's POV:

My day starts with stretching a little bit after getting up from my bed. Then I go to have my bath. And when I am done, I go to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, that's where I meet Channie hyung.

Things have been pretty awkward between us but now I guess we are okay. I don't find it hard to smile at him anymore. And I don't think about our past either. I am just happy with everything right now, except for the hate comments I get sometimes saying that I am rude, I don't deserve to be in the team, and stuff like that. I am taking some medicines though, they help me sleep. And when you sleep, you can't possibly think stupid stuff.

And going out with Eunwoo hyung and Jungkook sunbae made things easy too. But Eunwoo hyung is not here anymore. I miss hyung more than I thought I would miss him. I would call him now and then, but he wouldn't pick up. Then he would call back, but then, I would not be able to pick up. So we can now only text each other. 

Jungkook Sunbae, on the other hand, has become a nuisance. That guy won't leave me alone for a day. Even if his schedule is fully packed, he would come to my dorm, stay for an hour or less, then would leave.

I am free today with no schedule before 1 am, I was planning to sleep the whole day, then sunbae called. Now I am getting ready to meet him. He is being nuisance. 

But I don't hate it. I am kind of getting used to him.

You know, I can sometime have a very low energy, in these times I would need some vitamins to light up my mood. Jungkook Sunbae is like that vitamin. He is always shining, always smiling around me, as if his main goal is to make me happy, make me laugh.

We quarrel like kids sometimes, because he teases me too much. But it feels good. Sunbae is fun to be around. 


Lee Know was waiting downstairs for Jungkook

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Lee Know was waiting downstairs for Jungkook. Jungkook came after a few minutes.

"Hey beautie! Get in!!!" Jungkook screamed out rolling down the window.

Lee Know rolled his eyes. "Sunbae you sound like those thugs from drama who is trying to flirt with the main female lead." Lee Know said in a teasing tone.

"Well...you are the main female lead in my story...and I am the main male lead." Jungkook said smilling like a bunny.

"Why am I the female lead?" Lee Know growled rolling his eyes for the second time.

"Cause you are short." Jungkook replied in a stern face.

Lee Know smacked the older in his arm. "Sunbaee!!!!!" Jungkook just laughed.

Lee know's jaw dropped when he found out that they were going to this amusement park. Jungkook had a thing for dangerous rides. And Lee Know on the other hand, was a cat who is scared of height.

Jungkook grabbed his hand and dragged him to the roller coaster. 

"No!!!" Lee know said.

Jungkook was not going to listen obviously. He dragged the cat to the roller coaster anyway. And when the ride started, Jungkook regretted his action.

Lee Know had gone pale, was about to faint. As they got off the ride, Jungkook tried to calm the younger one down. But Lee Know was breathing heavily, and soon ran to the restroom to throw up. Jungkook felt terrible. 

Now, they were sitting on a bench. Jungkook's head was down, hanging from his shoulder. And Lee know was looking at the crowd.

"I am sorry!!!" Jungkook mumbled.

"It's okay sunbae!!! I ruined your day!" Lee Know sighed.

Jungkook suddenly took his hand. "My goal was to make you happy. You can never ruin my day."

"Sunbae! Stop flirting like this. I will really start liking you. I am warning!" Lee know said while shaking his head.

"That's what I want." Jungkook mumbled.

"What?" Lee Know's eyes got bigger.

"Well....are you dumb? why do you think I am always running after you!" Jungkook said smacking Lee Know in the head and smiling afterwards.


"I like you and I want you to like me back!" Jungkook said while getting up. Lee Know just stared at him. Jungkook then grabbed Lee Know's hand and dragged him. Lee Know didn't say anything, just went along. 

They stopped infront of the photo booth. 

"A amusement park date is incomplete without taking photos in the photo booth." Jungkook said smiling at the younger.

Lee know nodded. They got inside the booth. Lee Know was posing for the photos when Jungkook suddenly grabbed the younger's face in his palms and in the next second, Lee Know felt a pair of lips on his. It wasn't a kiss, just a peck on the lips. But Lee know was shocked. The older male laughed and gave him another peck on the forehead, took the photos, grabbed the younger's hand and dragged him with him once again. Both of them were blushing like strawberries.

As they reached Lee Know's dorm. Jungkook gave him another peck on the cheek.

"Lee Know."

"huuu." Lee Know said in a tone as if he was daydreaming.

"I want to do something new with you."

Lee Know looked at him being confused.

"Well... Wanna learn tap dance with me?"


*I thought of swing dance first....but then I felt Jungkook and Lee know would look hella hawt doing tap dance...
*Wanted to give you guys a little idea about tap dance before the next chapter...

Doh Kyungsoo is literally a masterpiece...I must say!

Cha Eun woo x Lee Know x Jungkook : I found him firstWhere stories live. Discover now