Chapter Nine

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I arise to more morning sickness. I run to the ocean, and throw up.  Peeta springs up and follows me. He holds my braid back and places his hand on my back.

When I finish, I go to the other side of the cornucopia. I dip myself in the water and wash up.

As I approach Johanna, Finnick, and Beetee, they are discussing a plan that they came up with.

"We're going to tie my coil to that tree at 11:00. Well fish it down to the beach, and anyone that is on the beach will get electrocuted by the Lightning, leaving us remaining."

"It's not a bad idea," Peeta says as he wraps his arms around me tight.

"We should probably start heading up to the tree then," Johanna says.

"Yeah," I reply. "It's probably better if we get it done before 11:00. Just incase."

Beetee agrees, and we start on our way. 

The trek up the hill is very hard on me. My stomach cramps are increasing and I get dehydrated easily. We stop every half hour or so, and Peeta carries me some times.

We finally make it up, and Beetee ties the wire.

By the time we get there, it is probably around 9:00 at night.

"How are we going to get the coil down there in 3 hours?" Johanna says hostilely.

"Don't worry," Beetee says. "When you're going down hill, it takes less time. It will knock off half of the time."

"Whatever you say," Johanna says.

"Katniss, you and Johanna take the wire down. Okay?"

Peeta immediately objects. "I'm not letting her go alone. I'm going with them."

"We need you here," Finnick says.

"No, I refuse." Peeta places his hand on my stomach. "I can't risk anything happening to her or our child."

Finally, Beetee agrees, and we're on our way.

Peeta, Johanna, and I walk a few miles down the hill. That's when I get another striking  pain in my stomach.  I try to turn to Peeta, but I'm overcome with the most excruciating pain I've ever felt. I double over and let out a sharp cry.

Peeta's attention is immediately on me. "Katniss!" He screams.

He picks me up, and I let out another groan. He places me on the ground and tries to calm me down. Tears are streaming down his face.

"What do we do?" He asks Johanna.

Johanna lets out a sigh. "I guess we'll have to do this now."

Johanna leans down and slits Peeta's wrist. It's not a cut that could kill him, but it's pretty deep.

She then does the same to me.

The pain in my wrist isn't as terrible as the pain in my stomach.

"I'll explain later!" Johanna says as she takes off running.

Peeta's attention is then drawn down.

"K-K-Katniss." Peeta says as he trembles. "You're bleeding."

I look down and I see for myself, that I am bleeding.

I lost the baby. That's the only thought running through my mind. I knew it'd happen, but I didn't want it to happen like this.

I try to stand up, but the pain is unbearable.

"We have to get you out of here, Katniss.  With this coil right here, we'll be electrocuted."

Peeta pulls out bandages from his bag, and bandages our wrists. He hurriedly hoists me up, and leans his head up against my temple. "Katniss you can do this. You are so strong and so brave. You are going to get through this alive. I promise."

He lifts me up, and runs with the coil at hand. Blood is flowing out of me, and all over Peeta's arm.

"I'm losing so much blood," I cry in panic.

"Katniss look at me," Peeta demands. I look into his terror ridden eyes.

"It's okay." 

Peeta gets tired and sits me down on a rock. 

"We need to try to stop the blood flow."

I start to feel light headed. "Peeta, if I don't make it, just know that I love you."

Peeta kisses me, and then sits next to me.

We begin to hear thunder. "The lighting!" Peeta screams.

I have nothing else to do.

I grab my bow and arrows. I tie the coil around my arrow, aim, and fire it up at the sky of the arena.

I hear a loud crash, and Peeta and I are thrown about three yards away from the rock.

The top of the arena begins to crash in, leaving a gaping hole.

We are still next to each other, preparing for the end.  I see a claw come up from the sky, sent to grab our dead bodies.

I look towards Peeta, and mouth the words "I love you." And we are both lifted up into a world of nothing.

Authors note:

Guyssss omg! Peeta goes back to district 13 with Katniss! (Obviously lmao) yes, I have read the books and I know what happens, but I wanted to keep Peeta and Katniss together considering that they're having a baby soo😂👌🏻
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