Chapter Thirty Six

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*This Chapter Includes Smut*

For the past three months, it seems like Peeta and I's lives have been wake up, feed babies, burp babies, change diapers, swaddle babies, put babies to bed, get a good two hours of sleep, repeat.

My children are the best things that have ever happened to me, but it feels as if I haven't relaxed in months. Maybe even years.

Though I'd never ever change it for the world, Haymitch has insisted on Peeta and I going for a three day getaway to district 4. Of course, I opposed. I don't think I could ever imagine Haymitch and Effie taking care of three infants for more than three minutes, let alone three days.

But of course, they convinced me. Johanna also promised me that she'd check in for a few hours each day.

"I'm so nervous.." I whisper to Peeta as I hand him another bottle that I have pumped. I pumped enough milk for three days.

"What if one of them gets extra hungry and needs more food?" I ask Peeta as I rummage through my bag to get the pump again.

"Katniss." Peeta says as he pulls my arm back down. "The triplets will be fine. If they need more food, Haymitch and Effie will just go to the hob and get some formula."

"Okay." I sigh. I don't think I've ever seen Peeta so calm. He's always been the over protective type. Last week, he made Johanna wash her hands before holding Aster.

"I just can't believe we're leaving them for so long. Three days! We've never been apart!"

"Katniss." Peeta laughs. "I think we both deserve this vacation. I'm sure the triplets will be fine!"

"The last time we left our child in the hands of another, we lost her." I whisper, laying my head on Peeta's shoulder.


"Look how pretty the ocean is!" I yell over to a very sleepy Peeta as we enter district 4. He stumbles over to me and we look out the window of the train. I give him a small peck on the cheek to fully wake him.

After leaving the triplets in Haymitch and Effie's care, I haven't worried much. I called three times to make sure they were okay, and since they were, Peeta and I were able to have a lot of fun the first night.

"It's beautiful." He whispers to me with a smile. "Almost as beautiful as you."

"Oh, stop." I say with a laugh as I hit him lightly. As long as I can remember, I've never been able to take a compliment. Even from Peeta.

"It's true." He starts. "You are the most beautiful, fierce, generous, caring, smart, amazing woman alive." He says as he bites my ear playfully.

He and I both know he is trying to mess with me; him clearly knowing that I can't take compliments.

"That's it, Mellark!" I yell as I run out of our room into the main dining area. He follows me, not even bothering to put a shirt on. I pick up a biscuit from the table and chuck it at him, falling to the ground in giggles.

"Woah, woah!" He says as he runs his hands through his bed head. He walks over to me, and picks me up like a baby, tickling me head to toe.

"Ahh!" I squeal. "Peeta!" I say as I try to catch my breath. To stop him from tickling me, I reach up and kiss him, not stopping until I need air.

He carries me back into our room, my legs now straddled around him, and slams the door.

He gently lays me down on the bed, and lays on top of me, sucking on my neck gently, and then more vigorously as I manage to rip my shirt off.

"Easy there, tiger." Peeta says with a smirk as he takes his boxers off, his erection rubbing against my stomach.

I slip my underwear off, and grab Peeta, slamming him down onto me again.

I connect our lips, and he glides his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance. I accept, and we begin exploring each other's mouths.

I roll over, so I am then on top of him. I sit up, and place myself right over him for easy entrance.

A groan escapes from the back of his throat as he enters me, thrusting back and forth softly, and then harder.

"Peeta." I moan as I plant kisses on his chest. He continues the motion until both of us reach our climax.

I topple over him and lay on the bed, gasping for breath.

Peeta leans over me and gives me one more kiss and then giving me a smile.

"Our vacation hasn't even started yet, Mrs. Mellark."

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