Chapter Seventeen

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My hands instantly fly to my stomach, where our daughter now lays. Dor has already wrapped her up. I gather her in my arms, and nothing makes me melt more than seeing her face.

"Peeta," I manage to say, tears streaming down my face, as I bring the tips of my fingers to her tiny cheek.

Peeta slowly places his hand on her small head. He tilts his head to get a better view of her. Tears of joy stream down his face.

Peeta lays next to me in bed. He is smiling ear to ear. We both gasp as her eyes flutter open.

"She is a spitting image of you," I joke. She had soft blonde curls and bright blue eyes, just like Peeta.

I bring her close, and place a feathery light kiss on her nose. When I pull away, I notice that some of my tears have landed on her face.

"I'm sorry," I say as I wipe them away. "Mama is just very happy to see you."

In that very moment, it sinks in. I am a mother.

"Can I see her," Peeta whispers.

"Of course," I say. 

I hand her to him gently, and he strokes her curls.

"What will we call her?" I ask.

"I've been thinking a lot about names," Peeta admits.

"Well?" I say. 

"I love the name Dahlia, and it looks as if it will suit her well."

I smile ear to ear. "That's perfect," I whisper.

"Dahlia Mellark."

"What about a middle name?" Peeta asks.

"I was thinking Rue." I say.

"Dahlia Rue Mellark."

Peeta places a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I should go get everybody," Peeta exclaims.

I nod my head, and Peeta hands me Dahlia.

As Peeta leaves, Dor comes back in. "Have you come up with a name?"

"Dahlia Rue Mellark." I say with a smile.

"That's beautiful!" Dor almost yells.

I let out a soft chortle. "I love it," I say excitedly.

As Dor turns to leave the room, I call her back. "Dor, thank you for everything you've done. I appreciate it so much.

"No problem," she says with a grin.

When Peeta returns, he has almost everyone with him.

Prim is smiling as hard as I've ever seen her smile, and my mother looks so proud. Gale mouths the words "She's beautiful," to me. Effie is overjoyed as she plays with her curls. Haymitch also looks very happy.

I let Prim hold her first. Everyone is wondering about the name.

"Well?" Effie says. "Are you going to tell us?"

"Do you want to tell them?" I ask Peeta with a smile.

"How about together?" He says jokingly.

"Okay, one.. two.. three.."

"Dahlia Rue Mellark!"

Everyone begins speaking at once, saying "that's beautiful," or "I love that name."

After Prim holds her, she is passed around the circle. One by one, everyone holds her, making googly eyes at her and cooing, until it gets to Gale.

Gale just holds her gently, and examines her with a wide grin. He looks very happy for me, and I am happy with the turnout of our friendship. I don't know what I'd do without him.

As everyone leaves, Peeta hands her back to me.

"I'm happy we have her all to ourselves now," I say with a giggle.

Peeta smiles at me, and placed her in the cot next to the hospital bed.

"I talked to Dor, and she said she is going to keep you in here a few days, just to make sure you don't lose too much blood."

I nod my head, and drift off into a deep sleep.


It's not long until we are woken by her first cry. Peeta gets out of bed, and attends to her.

"I think she's hungry," Peeta says.

I lift myself up, and grab her out of Peeta's hands. "Can you support her head?" I ask.

Peeta smiles, and nods. He sits down next to me, and I get her into position. She immediately latches to my breast.

I let out a sigh of relief. "I didn't know if she'd latch," I say.

Peeta remains silent, studying her, and smiling.

"I can't believe she's ours," Peeta says.

"I know," I say. "I was so nervous, but I'm just so happy to have her here."

"It doesn't seem real," Peeta whispers.

"I know," I start. "I always told myself I'd never get married and I'd never have children, and look where I am. I have an amazing husband and a beautiful daughter."

Peeta chuckles. "I knew it was a girl."

I look at him and frown, "I can't help but think about the baby we lost in the arena.  Maybe he was a boy,"

"Maybe..." Peeta whispers.

"But I'm thankful we have her," I say with a smile.

"So am I." Peeta replies.

Dahlia unlatches, and starts to whimper.

"She probably needs her diaper changed." I say.

"I'll get it." Peeta says. "I can tell you're in pain still."

"I am." I admit. "I'm still hurting from pushing her out, and my lower abdomen aches so bad."

"Get some rest." Peeta says, and I do so.



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