Chapter Thirty One

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"Peeta.." I say, shaking him hard. "T— The bucket."

Peeta shoots out of bed and grabs me the bucket. The bucket I've been using for my morning sickness since I was put to bed rest.

I heave up whatever was left in my stomach, before falling back onto the bed with a groan. Peeta takes the bucket, washes it off, and then washes me up by wiping my face with a warm rag.

I've been on bed rest for a month and a half, and it's been absolutely terrible. Though Peeta has tried to help me through it, it's been bad. Even on him.

I've spent most of my time reading and going through old photo albums. Peeta and I have spent a lot of time talking. Gale, Cressida, Johanna, Alder, their family, Haymitch, and Effie have spend a lot of time visiting too. My lower back pain is worse than ever. I get about 2 hours of sleep, not to mention I wake up with terrible night mares of lost children and the games. I think Peeta is sick of carrying me every where too. Even if I wasn't on bed rest, I wouldn't be doing much moving.

I sit up slightly, but pain overcomes me and fills my whole body. I wince in pain as a few tears escape my eyes.

Peeta coddles me and rubs my back before picking me up to carry me downstairs to the couch. Dor, my midwife said that I can go to the couch and sit in chairs, but I should probably be carried.

"Do you want to get a shower, Katniss?" Peeta asks softly.

"Yes.. If you don't mind."

Peeta picks me back up, and sits me down on the toilet. I lean over to stretch out my back to find slight relief.

"Does that feel better?" Peeta asks. I know Peeta feels terrible. He also feels terrible that he can't help me. He tries desperately, but it doesn't happen.

"Yeah, actually." I say.

Peeta helps me stand and remove my clothes. He runs a hot bath and I slowly sit myself down. Peeta gives me a small grin before kissing my forehead and my stomach.


I sit on the couch and watch as Peeta makes lunch. He is so quick and smart when it comes to cooking and baking. He kneads the dough for cheese buns and fills it with my favorite cheeses. He makes batches after batches, and then makes more things like pastries, sandwiches, and even soup.

"Why are you making so much food?" I ask with a laugh.

"No reason.. Just want to make some so we don't need to cook all week." He insists.

I just shrug, and go back to my book. I'm reading another pregnancy book. It's almost like my pregnancy isn't normal. The amount of back pain I have and how big I am is always worrying me. Dor says everything is fine, but sometimes I second guess her.

"Peeta?" I ask.


"Have you thought of any names yet? For the baby?"

"No, I guess I've been preoccupied with everything else. I haven't had much time. Have you?"

As I begin to say something, my train of thought is instantly broken by people barging through the door with balloons, streamers, gifts, and party hats.

Effie, Johanna, her daughter Luna, Annie, Cressida, her daughter Posy, and my mother are all in the house, throwing balloons at me and placing gifts in the living room.

"Happy Baby Shower!" Johanna yells as she reveals a cake out of her bag. "Peeta made the cake but I stored it at my house."

"You guys! You shouldn't have." I say, trying to ignore my pain.

Peeta comes over and kisses me on the head. "I'm going to Alder's for a little so you girls can have some fun." He whispers.

"Okay. I love you!" I say before Peeta walks out the door

"You look awful." Johanna says, trying to hide her laugh.

"I know." I say, placing my hand on my stomach. "I don't know how we're going to have any fun.. I can't drink and I can't even stand up"

Laughter fills the room as everybody gets their food.. And mine.

My mother sits next to me and gives me a tight squeeze. Even though it hurts my back terribly, I refrain from telling her. I don't want to make her feel bad. My mother has been helping me a lot through this pregnancy.  She's provided me with pre natal vitamins and pain killers, which have been essential to living lately.

"So what are you going to name it?" Johanna asks.

"Umm.. I have no idea. I think once he or she is born I'll know a name that fits." I say with a smile.

"Are you going to name her Primrose or Dahlia? If it's a girl?" Asks Effie.

I look down at my hands and fiddle with the delicate rings on my fingers. I attempt to hold in my tears as I grit my teeth and shut my eyes tightly. Any time I hear their names this happens. Their names. The names of the two people I've loved the most. And lost.

I don't blame Effie. She doesn't know what happens to me when I hear their names. I lose it. I go crazy.

"Um.." I try to say. I begin to tremble and shake. I clench my stomach and breathe heavily.

"I'm sorry, I—I." I hear Effie say.

"Come here Katniss." Annie says as she hugs me tightly. "Shh. It's okay."

"Mommy?" Posy says to Cressida. "What's wrong with auntie Katniss?"

"Here, sweetie." Cressida says as she grabs Luna and Posy. "You girls come with me."

I begin to calm down, and my breathing gets on track again. It's until I feel it that I think everything may be okay.

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