Prologue - Created By A Virus

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"Let us assume, that humans were created by a virus"
The doctor stood in front of that crowd of people, a bunch of big bugs who were just here because it was there duty to sit here and at least pretend to listen what he was saying.
A few of them looked at Doctor Kim Namjoon with a confused expression in their faces as he presented his first statement.
He smiled.
"At least, many scientist, including me, are having the hypothesis that it is like that. We have to imagine the beginning of our planet. The very, very first beginning. When unicellular organisms where the only habitants on our beloved continents. One day a virus showed up, no matter from where, and infected those bacterial. They mutated into something bigger"
He made a wide arm gesture to underline his words.
"Some ... farer developed creature was made. Something with more than one cell, that had the chance to reproduce themselves over a millions of years. Selection and evolution formed those creatures to what it became; a human being. So, basically, we are here because a virus, right? So viruses are good things. They made us, right?"
The crowd was silent and looked at the doctor. A few were sitting still, an awkward tension between them and the other people because they didn't know what to do, a few others nodded. And another shook their heads.
"Why not?"
Doctor Kim Namjoon pointed at a man in the third seat row.
The man was obviously embarrassed and didn't know what to say or do. He was one of the men who had shaken their heads.
"Uhm ... Because viruses can kill us"
"But they made us" The doctor smiled.
The man still was sceptical. "Those were the good viruses. But some like HIV are deadly for every one of us. And we still don't know how to handle them"
"Exactly that is what I wanted to hear"
Kim smiled and went back to his podium.
"Viruses are bad. But viruses can be good as well"
The room darkened and after a few seconds of whirring noises a picture on the huge screen behind him popped up.
"This is a bad virus"
The picture of a virus appeared.
"Firstly, a virus in our body is called a virion. When a virion invades one of our cells and reproduces itself that is what we call a virus. A virus infects not only one of our cells, but many other of them as well since this process is a very fast one"
Another image popped up, a model of a cycle.
"The virus itself is not an own cell, it is just a particle, even if it has its own DNA. A virus infects us in the way of the lytic cycle as you can see here. It puts some of its own, bad, DNA inside our cells, so the cell won't clone our human DNA, but the bad virus one. It creates more infected cells with every cloning and produces the pieces for another viruses which escape the infected cell the find new ones to contaminate"
Namjoon looked into faces full of understanding, confusion, disbelieve and not-interested at all.
He looked at the man from a few minutes ago.
"But viruses don't only have that bad DNA. They have good ones as well. So, imagine if he have an ill human who is infected by a bad virus, we can, theoretically, heal this human by infecting him with a good virus. This virus will infect the contaminated cells with good DNA and so the bad one won't be dominate anymore. But ... with almost every virus there is the danger that it can attack the healthy histoid as well. But we have to focus on this aspect. On the aspect of the good virus"
The man in the third seating row tilted his head.
Doctor Kim smiled.
"So you say that a bad virus could be compensated by a good virus? What is with the mutation the virus will get?"
Doctor Kim crossed his arms and nodded.
"Is your question if the only way is to heal a bad virus is to infect to ill person with a good virus?"
The man nodded.
"No. There are quite some viruses we know that we can heal. But there are several we don't know yet as well. If the host of the viruses, the ill person, has ... special framework conditions, like an unnatural amount of radioactive contamination, this could probably effect the infected cells as much as the virus. And maybe there will be no other way than the good virus option"
The man kept sceptical.
"So your point is, that if you we will really do this step, we can count with something like ... mutated virus because their host bodies will be contaminated be a large amount of radioactivity?"
The doctor made a vague hand gesture.
"Yes, and that this is maybe not even a danger for North Korea and China but South Korea as well. This could be highly infectious, maybe even a droplet infection"
He hesitated for a moment.
"That means it infects people by air and not contact. But I'm not sure about that. The normal virus for an influenza is something like that, but something extremely serious like HIV ... this is something dangerous. Very dangerous"
The doctor looked at the man who was obviously uncomfortable with the thought of having such a dangerous infection in his own land, but he knew also that what has to be done has to be done.
"But there is one thing I still don't understand" he began and the doctor raised an eyebrow, slightly excited for the following question.
"When a virus is just DNA, wouldn't it just ... be destroyed when the amount of radioactivity is too high for it?"
"You have to see" Namjoon began and folded his hands.
"That a human body is not only thing we can see or feel. It is ... an incubator for several things, like bacterial and parasites and so many other things that live inside us. So, many, other, things. It's an unbelievable large amount of what could be affected by the radioactivity and that gets affected by a virus. Imagine a parasite living inside our body, for example a ... a casual tapeworm. And what happens with this own organism when it is affected by radioactivity and virus?"
Doctor Kim Namjoon was amused at how his audience seem to wake up from their trance, seriously concerned about what could maybe happen.
But they would do it anyway.
There was no way back.
Doctor Kim would wait and see.
This will be very interesting.


Well here it is.
Actually I like biology even if I'm quite bad when it comes to grades. Okay, not that bad since it's my fourth subject for A-levels.
But here is some biological gibberish I warned for. Hope you understood it and got the point Namjoon tried to make.
Prepare for the real story in the first chapter, this was just a digression to what is waiting for you and how to understand my concept.

hope you enjoyed it ^.^

Love ya all and let me some comments with your first impressions ^-^

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