Chapter 7: Bullseye

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Yoongi positioned his nail gun on his knee, looking through the aimer, heading for his target.
He closed one eye and carefully released the safety catch.
The little roof of his house he was standing at gave him enough space to move and a safe distance to those things outside.
Carefully he laid his finger on the trigger and shot.
The nail rushed through the air, the gun not making much of a sound while the metal cut made a cutting noise.
The improvised bullet reached its aim, went right through the creature's forehead and drilled itself inside the thing's brain.
It fell down immediately, scalp imploding.
Yoongi smirked.

"It was not my fault!" Taehyung yelled and ran around the next turn in the road. Jungkook followed him.
"Then whose fault is it when you throw an apple into an alleyway full of these things!"
Taehyung wanted to response something when he saw a boy jogging down the streets. He wore casual sporty clothes and had a sweatband on his forehead.
The boy noticed them, surprise on his face. He waved at Taehyung.
"Come over here! But sped up, they can be fast!"
Taehyung looked at the boy in disbelief and then at his friend who just shrugged his shoulders and made a faster tempo to arrive at the male on the other side of the street.
The blonde looked above his shoulder and saw the creatures behind them. Hectically he ran after his friend, but the black-haired mysterious boy was already running on.
"Wait!" Jugnkook yelled and went after him. The boy waved at them again to come after him, when he sidestepped a few times and ran around the turns.
"Why are we following him?" Taehyung shouted at Jungkook but the younger shook his head.
"I don't know, I just felt like following him"
"Great" Taehyung muttered and saved his breathe.
They took the next turn and saw the boy inside a doorframe, he gestured at them to hurry up.
Jungkook's heart was beating rapidly from the incredible pace the boy had run and Taehyung was out of breathe as well.
They arrived at the door and entered the building.
The black-haired male hurried to close the door behind them.
"Phew, that was close" he smiled at the two friends. Taehyung and Jungkook looked at him.
"You were jogging really calmly through the streets" Jungkook stated and the boy nodded.
"I'm doing this since a few days and I know I don't have to worry about me. Those things are nothing against my speed"
"I see" Taehyung nodded.
"And who are you?"
"My name's Jimin" Jimin smiled at them in a friendly way and tilted his head.
"Well, this is not my house. It's my employer's"
"Your employer's house?" Jungkook asked with raised eyebrows. Jimin shrugged his shoulders and smiled shyly, looking at the wall behind them.
"He's not my real employer. But I call him like that for fun because he lets me live with him and so on. As payment I has to do a few favours for him on a daily base but that's okay. I like him, he's nice and friendly and I have lived alone anyway. Some company is nice"
"What favours do you have to do for him?" Taehyung asked but Jimin just chuckled.
"Maybe he'll tell you himself, but now, first let's go upstairs"
Jimin passed Jungkook and Taehyung and waved them to follow him while he ran up the stairs.
The two friends followed him until they arrived at a door Jimin had stopped on.
He had knocked and a man opened the door.
"Jiminnie, you're back"
He looked at the other two males.
"And you brought something with you"
Jimin nodded eagerly and smiled. "Yes! They were chased by a couple of zombies and-"
"I thought we agreed on you not using this word again"
"I'm sorry" the boy mumbled and cleared his throat. "They were chased by a couple of those things and I took them with me. They are"
Jimin stopped and had realised he hadn't asked for their names.
"Taehyung" the blonde hurried to say and pointed at himself and then at the younger. "And this is Jungkook"
"Alright" the man muttered.
"The name's Hoseok. Come in" he offered and took a step back to let Jimin and the other two inside the apartment.
They stepped in and Hoseok closed the door.
"So, I see Jimin seems to like you to. Why were you outside? Looking for food?"
Taehyung shook his head. "No, we are on our way to get to the next border"
Hoseok raised an eyebrow, laid an arm around Jimin and tugged the boy at him.
"Is that so? Alright, so I guess your stay will just be temporary"
Jungkook nodded. "But, maybe, if it's okay ... can we maybe stay the night? Just if it is like ... we don't disturb or ... interrupt you" he gestured between Jimin and Hoseok.
The man raised an eyebrow in confusion and looked at the boy in his arm.
"What exactly did you tell them?"
Jimin looked at his feet. "I just told you're something like my employer and I have to do you a favour on a daily base"
Hoseok rolled his eyes. "Of course they think you are my call boy. Alright, listen; Jimin is a great runner"
The boy smiled at them. "Yeah, I'm doing parkour since I am eight. That means for eleven years and I'm in a top form"
Hoseok smiled.
"Jimin knows how to dodge and run so those creatures won't catch him and he knows this town better than anyone else. And so he gets a few things for me. Like medicine, food or other tools which are useful for me. You have to know, I'm studying science and I try to find out where exactly this came from"
Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Wow, that sounds ... really cool. Why science?"
Hoseok sighed. "I don't know. After school I felt like studying something interesting and I had always liked biology, chemistry, physics and so on and I decided to study science. I know that sounds kinda random but it was worth the decision. I began to love science and then a really successful doctor once visited my university. Must have been one and a half year ago. He's pretty famous"
Jungkook laughed lowly. "I don't know any famous doctor. I really have no clue about any of this"
Hoseok smiled. "Then maybe you should remember the name Kim Namjoon. This man is a genius. You have to know, he's a very popular doctor for the South Korean State, very big bug. And he said a thing I will never forget. This sentence motivated me to do my work as great as possible. Let me think"
Hoseok thought for a moment before he began.
"I'm not a psychologist and I don't want to be one, but what I know, and what I hope is that maybe one day mankind will understand the most dangerous things on our planet aren't even ourselves but the things we don't know. And the acting of a human being must be the most unknown one of any existence. And so I set my task to making the unknown known: based on scientific facts and not on psychological guesses"
"Did you learn that by heart?" Jungkook asked and crossed his arms.
"Kinda" Hoseok shrugged and looked back at them.
"Now you know why I do what I do. I know I could escape with the necessary things but I want to stay here for a little bit longer and look at this"
Taehyung exhaled. "Wow, while you want to stay here we want to escape as soon as possible. This shit there outside is scary, man"
Hoseok shrugged. "Nature is scary. Imagine all those little creatures which live onto your skin, inside your skin and inside your body you don't know about. Think about insects with over hundreds of pairs of eyes and the cruel ways animals kill each other. Just imagine how many of poisonous chemicals you're breathing in which are not set free by humans but has been always there. Or think one moment what you are eating; you eat vegetables the shops promise you everything about but actually there living millions of bacterial inside one carrot and how many insects had tasted from one salad before you chewed on it. Nature has always been like that. I guess scientist are just used to accept that cruel ways showing Mother Nature's love are ... well, natural"
Taehyung gulped and had to scratch his arm and his neck at the thought of creatures under his skin.
"Good, sounds legit"
Hoseok smiled victoriously. "Great. Then you two are about to stay here for the night?"
Jungkook smiled shyly. "If this is not too much effort for you, yeah, we would stay. Thank you very much"
The science student looked at the boy next to him.
"And you, Jiminnie, you're going to be in my room tonight. They'll need yours. Okay?"
Jimin nodded and looked at the two friends.
Taehyung raised an eyebrow and peered to his friend. Jungkook made a face but shrugged his shoulders.
Whatever those two were or had together or didn't, they offered them a roof above their heads for one night, so, why denying such an offer?
"Alright" Taehyung was still scratching his neck. "Since everyone is fine with it, I'd say we"
"Stop" Hoseok demanded and the blonde male froze in his movement.
"You have to ... do me a little favour as a payment"
"Great, a little favour as a payment" Jungkook muttered, not audible for the raven-haired male.
"Shall we get him off?"
Hoseok spoke on. "Jimin has to make a few procurements for me today. I told him to go to the junkyard today because I'm sure there are going to be some useful tools I still need. You two can help him, three people can carry more than one and so Jimin will be a bit safer"
The boy looked offended at his 'employer'. "I can defend myself very well"
"I know" Hoseok muttered, "but I want you to come back, alright?"
Jimin nodded and looked at his feet, obviously about talking back like that when Hoseok had just intended something good.
Taehyung straddled into their cheesy conversation.
"Alright, then let's go as fast as possible, don't we?"
Jimin struggled himself gently out of Hoseok's arm and nodded eagerly. "Yeah, let's go. Do you maybe want to leave the unnecessary package in your room?"
"Yes, go and leave that weight in your room. Just go through the corridor and then the first door oon the right. Jimin, come with me, I have to give you the list with all of those tools"
"Uhm, okay" Jimin waved at them and gestured at them to go while Hoseok pulled him by the hand into, Jungkook guessed, the living room.
Taehyung pushed his friend forward.
"Let's go as fast as possible. I can almost feel the tension between them"
"What the hell" Jungkook muttered. "Do you think they do-"
"I don't want to know it and now let's go as fast as possible"

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