Chapter 10: Decisions Have To Be Made

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Jimin was doing some push-ups as Hoseok groaned. Yoongi looked up from a handbook for some of his tools.
"What's the matter?" he lend back and eyed the science student.
Hoseok had scribbled some notes onto a sheet of paper and Jimin stopped his work-out.
The student pushed his chair back from the table and looked at the two of them.
"Come over here"
Yoongi rolled his eyes as he had to stand up and helped the youngest. They seated themselves and looked at Hoseok.
He sighed heavily.
"Alright listen here. I looked at the results I got from the measuring instrument for the earth quakes. Also I broke my head about everything that happened and tried to analyse everything Jimin had told me"
"Had told you? What did you tell him?" Yoongi looked at him in confusion.
Jimin cleared his throat. "Well, Hoseok offered me his place to stay for one thing. My task is to get supplies and to tell Hoseok what I have seen out there. How those zomb-"
He interrupted himself under the strict gaze of the science student.
"How those people were behaving, walking, articulating, and eating and so on. He was always taking notes about what I've said"
"Good" Yoongi nodded.
"And? What is the matter?"
Hoseok groaned. "I have been thinking quite a while about that and everything. The measuring instrument for earthquakes never recorded another earthquake after the one six nights ago. The instrument for the rough measuring of radioactive radiation grew rapidly the few days. To a dangerous point out there. And the fact, that Jimin still seems very normal but is out there every day seems like this shit, whatever shit this is, seems like it is not flying through the air"
Yoongi folded his hands.
"Since you're quite a smartass I guess you already have a little hunch about what has happened"
"You are really optimistic, aren't you?" Hoseok huffed.
"Of course I have a hint of an idea. But I'm not a wizard, Yoongi. Nor this neither have I any tool to measure things correctly or to prove any idea. But still ... I have an idea about this being an epidemic. At least that would make sense since you may have listened to the speech on radio"
"I did" Yoongi mumbled.
"Well, then you maybe will think the same. This shit out there might be a really, really bad infection. A direct one. That turns you into some of these things. I have no fucking idea how the fuck this very virus works. Absolutely now clue. But this is not a normal one. This had never been existing. And I wrote an A+ exam about viruses and infections. I know many and their symptoms but this out there" he pointed towards the window, "this has never been existing"
Yoongi shuffled uncomfortably in his chair. "What do you ... want to say? Because obviously this does exist"
Hoseok bit his lower lip.
"I want to say that this is not existing for a long time. And maybe ... this is not created by ... on .... on a natural way"
"Excuse me?" Jimin said and looked outside the window.
Hoseok rubbed his forehead.
"Also, back to the earthquake thing, I have been thinking about this lately and came to the conclusion, that maybe those things out there could have been mutations. I was breaking my head about how exactly this could have happened and the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster seven years ago came to my mind. The consequence of this were tons of mutations, but a mutation is organism-specific. You can't spread a mutation. So the idea about a nuclear plant that had erupted because of that earthquake was wrong. But ... after thinking about what else is nuclear, the idea of an atomic bomb seemed not that unrealistic. At least that could have been the explanation for the earthquake"
Jimin and Yoongi kept quiet, overwhelmed with the mass of information.
"What do you want to say? Keep it short" Yoongi muttered and gnawed on his bottom lip.
Hoseok closed his eyes.
"That there is a disease that was spread on purpose. And it mutated due to the radiation of the bomb"

Jimin was sitting in the corner of the room. He stared blankly at the wall.
Yoongi lend at the window and looked outside while Hoseok was noting some measurements from his instruments.
"What are we going to do?"
Jimin was the first who rose his voice. Yoongi's heavy sigh followed right after.
"My plan has always been to stay here"
"Do you still want to stay here?" the youngest asked. "After knowing that somewhere in Korea an atomic bomb has exploded and because of it this shit is walking outside?"
Jimin didn't know where he took the courage from to talk back like that. He kind of liked Yoongi and immediately regretted his tone.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled.
"No, you are right" Hoseok shoved his chair back from the table.
"I don't know how it is about you, but slowlely and surely I began to doubt that staying any longer will be better for us"
Yoongi turned around. "Who told me he wants to stay here to find out about this disease, huh? Who needed my tools to complete his machines and who was always sending him" he pointed at Jimin and rose his voice, "out there to those creature. Who was putting him into danger just to find out what is going on, huh? Who was it?"
"Yoongi, I" Jimin tried to soothe the eldest but Yoongi interrupted him harshly.
"Shut up! And you, Hoseok, you can't do all this shit for nothing! You are not getting away like that!"
The student rose and faced Yoongi who was fuming.
The stared at each other for a moment.
"But now we found out" Hoseok's voice was low and threatening.
"We found out what could have been the cause of this and now we can go. This whole work was not for nothing. Imagine how we can help the doctors out there who are already trying to get an antidote"
Yoongi huffed. "Oh really? What do you think? Who of those fucking lazy pieces of shithead would get their asses inside such an area? Where fucking zombies, oh and I know you don't like that word, zombies are running out there and kill us with not even a wink?"
He grabbed the student by the collar and pulled him down. Foreheads pressed against each other's, staring angrily into the other's eyes.
"Who, Hoseok?"
Without a word the student removed the red-heads hands and pushed him back lightly.
"I will go" he said and turned to Jimin.
"Yeah? Then I will stay" Yoongi huffed out in annoyance. He faced to look at Jimin.
The boy had followed the discussion with big eyes and backed away as they looked at him.
"And what are you deciding for?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Will you go with him and get probably killed? Or will you stay with me?"

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