Chapter 12

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Someone shifted their weight and there was a soft creak of a protest. I was warm, with a light scent of allspice in the air, but my back and neck weren't happy campers. I rolled my head to a side, slowly opening my eyes only to find them entranced by sharp green orbs. My mind, taking considerable amount of time to make sense of where I was, only saw the emerald eyes, bare skin, and my hand gripping someone else's. But still it failed to make a connection.

"What are you doing?" His low voice was husky and heavy with sleep, the sound of it gave my body a jumpstart.

"Sorry! I'm sorry!" I let go of his hand and sprang back, almost tipping over the chair. The sudden movements weren't in agreement with my stiff body and punished me accordingly. My cheeks flushed at the sight of him with his disheveled dark hair, sleepy eyes, and well defined muscles. " are you feeling?" The words stumbled out as I continued to stare shamelessly. 'Focus! This isn't the time to be gawking!' I reminded myself, rising to my feet. A smiled burst onto my face when I noticed how he had moved closer to the edge of the bed, his arm outstretched towards where I was. 'Stop it!'

"I'm fine." Emerald muttered, trying to sit up. I reached out to help him but he slapped my hands away. "I said I'm fine!" Luke growled, though obviously struggling . I scowled down at him with my hands on my hips.

"Fine my ass!" I flicked his forehead and he glared. "Now hold still." I slid onto the bed behind him to check his bandages, trying to keep my heart rate under control. Of course, he wouldn't comply and quickly turned around.

"I don't know when you got cocky enough to think you can disobey me, but I'm going to fix that."

"Yeah right." I narrowed my eyes trying not to blush. Seeing him like this couldn't be good for my health, could it? My heart was ready to explode, my skin felt feverish, and my mouth watered. Maybe I was just coming down with something? "Turn around or I'll tie you down." At this he leaned forward, his eyes dark and aggressive.

"I dare you." His lips curled into an arrogant smirk full of dominance. This was too much! It felt as if he were sending little electric currents my way, his eyes drawing me in like a blissful temptation. Heat radiated off of him and I could almost guarantee his own heart was pounding away inside that firm chest of his. My mouth opened for some witty retort but the language part of my brain wasn't functioning. All I knew was that I wanted him, and he needed to realize that too. 'No! Remember! This is LUKE! You CANNOT pass Go!' The logical side of my brain was awakened, just in time to jump back. When had he gotten closer? His lips had been so devastatingly close! Whatever trance he was in disappeared and his glare returned.

"Just shut up and turn around!" I picked myself up off the ground after an ungraceful tumble. "Your back was shredded to ribbons last night and I need to check it so you're going to be quiet and obedient you careless little prick!" I crossed my arms over my chest and gave him the look I would usually give my little sisters. His nose wrinkled with contempt but he turned his back to me. Approaching him again I noticed the smell of blood and knew he had reopened the wounds. 'Stubborn idiot.' I thought taking off the bandages. True enough, he had ripped one open and it bled steadily.

"You're one to talk." He snorted before hissing when I "accidentally" poked the stitches. "Sadistic bi-" I poked again a little harder and he growled, his body lurching forward away from me.

"Don't be rude." I warned with a smile he couldn't see. For the time being, he was at my mercy. "I need to go get supplies and someone to fix this. Don't move." I hopped off the bed and opened the door to find Evelyn already prepared with her med kit. "Oh! Good morning, he tore one open but everything else is fine."

"Good morning and thank you for watching over him." She entered and even before she checked his wounds her hands shot up and pulled his ear. "What the hell were you doing?! How many times have I told you to ALWAYS be aware of your surroundings?!" She commenced her scolding while he kept his pained gaze low. All this added up to 'Do you know how worried I was?' "Now let me see what you've done to yourself." She huffed, finally opening the kit. "Fay, go get ready for work."

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