Chapter 38

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"Duck!" I snarled launching the sword behind Luke, the ghoul ran straight into it.

"You almost got me!" My mate frowned up at me, he was still crouched on the floor.

"But I didn't!" I raced to finish the job, as more creatures poured into the hall.

"East wing is secure!" I heard Daniel from my ear piece, just as a smoke bomb rolled towards us. Luke kicked it back in the direction it came from after taking down a vampire. Forget wooden stakes, the best way to kill them was to go 'Queen of Hearts' on them.

"I can't smell any." I panted as we continued towards the center of the hospital. It had been secured by the enemy, cutting off medical supplies from the humans. We had divided the warriors into several groups, but still leaving plenty behind should there be an attempt at retaliation.

"Have you tried linking with anyone?" Luke suggested before pulling out his gun.

"Does it look like we have time for me to concentrate like that?" I snapped feeling more frustrated by the minute. We fought our way to the lobby where we were met with four vampires, three were-creatures, and a witch. Daniel, Roman, and Jo crashed in through the opposite side, and finally, my father forced his way from the front entrance. Lord or not, he was still incredibly powerful.

"They were mere pawns, but I still didn't expect you to go through them so quickly." The witch sighed. The vampires tossed her a glare before turning their attention back to us. Seems like there wasn't much comradery between the species. "I still don't understand what you're trying to do. Prove yourselves to those soil shoving losers so they can accept you? So they can give you permission to join their ranks? You're whipped mutts is what you are!" She spat before rolling up her sleeves. Her arms were covered in tattoos that began to glow. The insult fanned the flames of rage in my veins, and I charged.

"Not so fast!" One of the vampires glared, trying to get in my way. Jo leapt from the second floor, slicing him down and his partner went for revenge. One of the weres shifted into a large brown bear, her claws were lethally sharp with plenty of length to shred your insides without much effort. Alexander shifted and launched himself at her whilst the rest of the team fought to keep anyone out of my way.

***Luke's POV***

Daniel hauled Jo off somewhere safe. A lion had mauled her when her back was turned while dealing with the vampire. She swore and shot at the lion who fell lifeless, but she was still dragged away. The witch pulled out a book and began reading, her tattoos glowing brighter as she did, her voice growing louder as hot wind swirled around us. A circle of fire burst from the floor around her and in a flash, thick black smoke collected itself into a solid mass above her. The aura it gave off felt like pure evil, and the witch cackled at her success.

"Not today, bitch!" Fay swung her sword, and the mass dropped itself down, blocking the witch from the blade now buried in its side. The shadow screeched and I pulled my mate back, instinctively placing myself between her and it. This wasn't something we had ever been trained on. We hadn't dealt with many witches in our area, and the older hunters usually took care of them. This one was strong and had summoned a creature we had no idea what it was. But something in the back of my mind was scratching at a wall, trying to remind me of something. It was clawing away at its restraints, fighting to free itself from the remnants of the spell.

"You stupid girl, did you honestly think a fleabag such as yourself could take on a dark spirit?" The redhead burst out laughing. "Sorry to break it to you honey, but not everything can be won barbarically. You're at the bottom of the food chain." Fay snarled, her eyes tinting purple. No matter how angry she was, I couldn't let her at it. Lux...

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