Chapter 32

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She didn't ask, and I suppose it worried me more that she didn't. We left to our room and she refused to lay beside me. Instead, she curled up in the little love seat in the corner. Anytime I tried to approach her she would growl and curl up tighter into a ball.

"Look, I know you're mad..." I hated this. I wanted her to be in my arms, I wanted to comfort her. I could feel her wound. "Fay, please give me a chance to explain."

Silence. Well it wasn't like she was stopping me from talking either...

"I was never really human. I was born a wolf, well my mother was a witch but my father..from what I do remember, I am the son of Mikael Fier. Mikael is known to be a cruel, power lusting Alpha who killed humans whenever he pleased. He constantly rebelled against your father but couldn't do much under the Lord's command. But once Alexander disappeared, that all went out the window. He is one of those responsible for this uprising. The night Tony died, my wolf blood was somehow locked away and my memories altered. When you marked me, it seemed to have broken whatever spell was cast. The witch at the warehouse mentioned something about my mother's sacrifice. She must have been the one who did that to me." I tried not to hold my breath, but I did anyways. "Fay?"

She didn't shift or stir. Had she fallen asleep?? "And it took all of this to tell me that? It took my father's command to get you to talk to me?" She sat up, wrapping her arms around her legs as she hugged herself, her chin resting on her knees. "Aren't mates supposed to know each other better than some ass who barely woke up after several years?" Her tone was calm and flat, without a trace of emotion. She was getting better at shielding her pain and it killed me.

"I didn't want to tell you, or anyone for that matter. For a long time now I've held a grudge against wolves for what they did to my brother. Once I remembered, it made me sick to think that I was one of them. I didn't want to accept or admit it, especially the fact that my own father was responsible for all this death and tragedy. I'm sorry for being childish."

"If you don't want to tell me anything, I won't hold gun to your head." My mate shrugged with disinterest.

"Don't do that." My heart...

"Do what?" She replied with the same tone, her eyes fixed on the carpet.

"Don't act like you don't care." I walked towards her.

"Well I-"

***Fay's POV***

"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't care." Luke whispered in front of me. But I couldn't, just hearing the anguish in his voice was tearing me apart.

"If you don't want to talk, I can't make you. I'll accept that."

"Fay look at me." Don't you friggin..."Please.." Stupid eyes...Stupid eyes that don't listen to me...His emeralds were glassy and desperate.

"Dammit..." Before I knew it my arms were around him.

"I'm sorry for making you feel this way, for making you think I don't trust you." Luke had sat down on the bed while resting his head against me. "I promise I don't have any more secrets. I'll never keep anything from you again."

"Thank you."

"So I'm forgiven?" He looked so much like a hopeful little puppy with a treat dangling in front of it. He placed his hands on my hips, tilting his head to a side. I couldn't help but smile at such a cute sight. And as I did, he beamed with joy.

"I forgive you." I nodded.

"Thank you Goddess!" Was all I heard as I was pulled down, my lips seized in an instant.

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