Chapter 30

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"Can you sense him?" Lucio asked, getting impatient. The longer we took, the higher our odds of death rose. The only connection I've ever felt was with Luke. There was this vibration I could feel deep inside. I stepped closer to the glass, but I was afraid to even touch it. All these years, he was here. Asleep. "Focus." I didn't feel anything though. I had learned to sense people's presences, but I felt nothing from him. Did the rest of them feel anything?

"It may be because of how deep in his sleep he is. I can't even sense him at all." Eliza frowned uneasily.

"I was afraid of that." Lucio sighed. "Then Fay, prepare yourself." The witch clicked many buttons and the faint hum from the machines slowly faded as they powered down. The room never went completely silent. A crack appeared in the middle of the glass and it spread rapidly until the whole thing looked like shattered ice. It was as if everyone was holding their breath, the tension rising with each passing heart beat. There was a faint hum and a gravity seemed to build, drawing everything towards Alexander.

"Albescu...can you hear me?" Lucio didn't dare move. His words like delicate silk. No response came but then it felt as though the gravity that had collected itself dropped onto us like a sudden bomb. A power surge burst from Alexander sending shards of glass flying in every direction. Shawn, caught off guard, tumbled backwards whilst the rest of us struggled to stay put. The man now stood in his broken tank, his eyes still closed. "Albescu, do you remember me?" Lucio found his voice again, it was laced with urgency and concern. Not a moment later, his eyes snapped open revealing iridescent purple eyes, you couldn't even see his pupils. His lips curled into a vicious snarl and his claws gleamed. He was mad, in every sense of the word. Lucio looked at me to speak up but I couldn't find my words. The word "father" or "dad" refused to come out.

"Find the bond!" Daniel was already prepared to fight though he knew it would be meaningless. Alexander fixed his gaze on the beta and charged. His speed was incredible, Daniel only dodged by a hair. I searched, closing my eyes, it was impossible NOT to sense him now, but I couldn't connect with him. He wasn't letting himself.

"Alexandra!" Lucio shielded the others with his magic, which only added fuel to the flames. "Albescu your daughter is here!" He tried, but the attacks only seemed to enrage the beast further. "We're running out of time Fay!" Right! The alarm!

"Alexander...I am your daughter." I took a step towards him, trying desperately to force a connection with him. He turned towards me and push my mental link back.

"Your tricks quit working on me a long time ago you fools." He growled, fur began sprouting from his skin.

"Snap out of it!"

"How dare you try to impersonate my daughter!" He lunged at me with no restrictions. Was this how they tried getting information from him before?

"You idiot! You're going to get us all killed!" I snapped, dodging as best as I could.

"Fay complete yourself!" Lucio ordered. There really was no other way, was there? I pulled out the knife and pointed it at him. I could feel its power surging through me. My body felt whole and numb at the same time. It was as though everything about me was aligning itself. 'Finally! I am free!'

***Luke's POV***
"I am your blood!" She claimed with authority and pride. There was another blast of energy and with a blink, her eyes mirrored her fathers'. Their power seemed to clash, creating sparks in the air around us. This gravity was beyond intimidating. "I am your heir, Father. Do not mistake me for a fake."

"Don't let it overtake you, Fay!" Eliza warned from beside Lucio and her packmates.

"Fay, focus!" I stepped towards them, trying to bring the real Fay back to consciousness.

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