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Ugh, another day of school. I hate it now, I hate how all the teachers look at me like I'm some fragile little china doll. It's stupid, why can't they treat me like a normal straight-A student? I guess life just has to be that way. Life throws so may obstacles at you, and you are expected to overcome them. Maybe you think you can't but you can: that was another one of my mom's mini lessons she gave to me when she was alive. She told me this when I came home one day and realized that my pet goldfish was dead. I had looked through the thin glass tank and tapped it three times, but nothing moved. I felt a pang of dread go across my body. I tapped it again and this time I saw something sort of rise, but it was unmoving. The fish was dead: I could tell this because it was not looking at me or swimming. Then it hit me, I had murdered it. I had murdered my fish when I was curious and took it out of the water. I shook my head furiously, denying it was true but it was true. I had killed my fish and I regretted it 100%. I never meant to do it. As you can see, I have moved on from this because I now know that this was just an obstacle life was throwing at me to see if I wasn't strong enough, but I was. I moved on, I guess that's what all of us have to do. 
Anyways, I get on the bus and still feel those idiotic stares coming at me. I tried to ignore them but it was really hard to when everybody in the whole bus looks at you. It felt horrible. I sit in the last row at school and wait for the teacher to explain the daily boring assignment. Instead of listening to her. I start to wander off thinking about how the man is still out there.
If he was capable of killing my mother, than he is very capable of killing me. That's how it works, but first i need to find out why this person is trying to kill me. I go back in my memory and remember what the girls said to me on the first day if school when I got here. She said that my family was murdered because we were rich... "that's what happens to rich people." is what she said. I have come to a conclusion that that might have been half true. I know Garred was a rich cheater and I know Maggie was a rich social worker, but how could someone just kill a family because of money. What I'm trying to say is that there is more the story than just that. Someone maybe wanted out money but they also wanted something else such as revenge for something they did, possessions they had, anything really. That's what I want to find out. I want to find out who did this to my family and the full story. How much hatred could this person have to want to kill my family like that? What sick twisted person would want that? 
As soon as I'm thinking that, I see someone at the doorway and I immediately sense dread. I raise my hand to go to the bathroom and quietly get up and walk towards the door to open it. I want to find out who this person is really bad. I walk out of the building and find no one. I can feel the heat of fear creep up me. I start to walk towards the bathroom that he pushed me in. I reach it and walk in, I grab my phone and put it on record. I'm going to record what's happening. I want to find out what their voice sounds like. I walk into a stall and lock myself in. 
I feel the bathroom door silently creek open, and I hear the sinister click, click, click of the shoes. The man comes closer to the bathroom stalls and stops there. I try to get up onto the seat so he won't see my legs but then my phone falls on the floor. I can now feel the man looking at me and he slowly bangs on the door. 
"Claire. I know you're in there," I can feel a weird smile on his face.
"Come out, come out, wherever you are." His voice doesn't sound familiar.
His feet starts getting closer and closer and then he starts to bang repeatedly on the door. 
"STOP!"I scream, "stop!" 
"Claire! You know your filthy parents deserved to die!" 
"SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!" I covered my ears and started violently crying. 
"Claire, I'm gonna kill you just like I killed your mother. Ellie is going to suffer even more!" I continue to scream and not listen to his talking.
"Claire! You or no one will find me! I'm right in front of your faces and you don't see it!" 
"Get out!" I have had enough, I grab down to pick up my phone and dial 9-1-1, but I realize that my phone has died and that the front screen has been shattered. 
"Haha, Claire, you should always charge your phone before school," he smiles. 
I hear a heart-pounding bang on the door and then the door to the bathroom opens and he is gone. Gone like the wind. Nada is left of him. Nothing. 
I slide out of the bathroom, still crying. I head to the principals office one more time. 
"How do you explain this?!" I ask the principal when I get home. 
"Claire, I don't see anything." 
"He was in the bathroom with me and I video taped him." 
"Let me see." 
I tell him that my phone is dead and he lends me his charger.
Once it is charged, I go to my videos and bring up the last video. Since my phone fell, all I see in the video is black, but you can still here the voices. There is someone else with me in the bathroom.
The principal looks at me and bites back what he is about to say. Instead he grabs his phone and just punches in a number.
"Good morning, this is George Blues speaking, can you please come to my office immediately."
 Sure, I'll be there in five minutes," the voice belongs to Susanne. He is calling Susanne.
Why isn't he calling the cops? 
Susanne arrives in five minutes like she says, it's because she works at home. 
"Is there a problem?" She says when she walks in. 
George and Susanne start talking and then Susanne takes me and drags me out of the office. She get into the car and she doesn't say a word. Something is wrong. 

INTRUDERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon