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I arrive at the school early. I have never been early, but I felt like it today. I drove Johnny's car to here so that I wouldn't have to wait for the bus to get there. What should I do now? I sit there waiting for someone or a bus or something to appear and then I could talk to someone. Then I remember that there is no one to talk to and no one will want to listen either. 
"Ma'am, what are you doing this early," a shiver creeps up my spine as I roll down my window to see who it was. I was so scared. I look into the darkness and make out a face. Ben.

"Ben! You scared me! What are you doing this early?" I am so shocked.
"I am always this early! You never are though."
I smile at him and laugh. I tell him to get in since it is so cold. He obeys and we talk for a little bit. I wasn't paying much attention to him since I think I saw someone in the distance. I get out of my car and walk towards the bushes to see who it was. I walk closer and then I see someone behind me, the person is covered in what looks like snow. I can tell he is just standing there as cold as a rock. I grab a branch that's on the floor for my defense. I dial Ben's number on my phone. I start to run and I can feel the person come closer and closer. His feet hitting the ground with each run I make. I trip over a pile of snow and my face hit the ground. I stood up and looked behind me.
"Hello? Claire is everything alright?" I hear Ben's on my phone.

"Ben, did y-you see that?"

"Claire, there was no one there! Did you see a spider or something?"

"Forget about it." I really need to start taking these pills before I really make a whole scene in front of my whole school.

I walk over to Ben and he looks at me.

"Have you been taking your pills? The whole school knows about your episode in the bathroom."

"How!" Well, duh, everybody is watching me everywhere I go. I have no privacy anymore.

"Um, this girl named Kristen heard you in the bathroom and she then followed you to the principal's office... she spread the thing out to every one of her friends."

"That b—" It wasn't worth my words. I bet she was a nice little girl that has nothing else to do but spy on the girl that almost died.

The first bell rung and Ben and I raced to out first period class which was really boring. All we did was sit there and listen to the talk about Harper Lee, which we had read both of her books. I raised my hand to go to the bathroom and Mr. Hatkin said yes.

In the bathroom I checked if there was any noisy little brats in it. When I found out there wasn't anyone there but me, I pulled a orange cylinder cup. I pressed down on the cap and twisted it open, inside were pink tablets. I put two in my hands and then I took a water bottle out of my backpack. I shoved the pills into my mouth and swallowed them down with water. Tears start to roll down my cheeks because I knew I didn't have to take them in school for a reason.

When I arrive back in class, I feel lightweight and I start to sort of faint. Then as soon as I know it, I hit my nose hard on the desk and blank out...

I awake in a room with white walls.

"Ms. Ruhner, what happened?" I looked over at the woman and saw it was the school nurse. Her name was Clarissa.


She rolled her eyes and lifted me up. I walked out of the room and she said bye, I said bye back. I went to my third period class, I had missed all of second period. When I walked in, everyone turned their heads toward me and the room went quiet.

I sat down next to Ben and put my head on the desk because I did not want anyone looking at the white bandage on my nose.

I knew that everyone was trying to see if I was O.K. and everyone except for Daniel and Ben were all pretending to care.

I got up and slammed my book down and ran to my car with tears falling down my face. I slammed the door shut to Johnny's car and drove home. I was done, I didn't want to go to school any longer. I didn't want to see any of those pretending to care faces. I was done.

When I arrived home, Johnny asked me if I was O.K. and why I was so early home. I told him that I didn't feel well because I had tripped.

Now I knew the side effects of the pills. I grabbed my bag from the car.

I took the lid and opened it once I got into the bathroom. I lifted the toilet seat up and one by one I poured the pills into the water. When they were all in the water, I flushed the toilet.

I was never taking taking those pills again. Never. 

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