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|Tyler 10:00 PM|

Walking. That's what I'm doing. Why? Well, because I just got out of the supermarket and my car is at the repair shop because someone decided to cut in front of my lane and it hit the side of my car and destroying the bumper and wheels and I don't feel that I am in the mood to get a taxi. Plus, walking is exercise, and I need some.

It's a very, very dark alleyway that I am walking in. It has a mysterious tone to it. This is a shortcut I always take to my house.

Footsteps. Walking. Behind. Me. Someone is walking behind me. This isn't supposed to happen because no one goes down this alleyway but me. The footsteps get closer, closer, and closer. I walk faster, faster, and faster.

No one ever  walks down here.  Ever. My house is at the end of Keystone Road. It's very empty, lonely, and boring. My cat and I are the only one living in that creaking old house.

The footsteps get louder and louder. Scarier, scarier.

Then a dark and firm hand covers my mouth. My eyes widen in horror. Shock, fear. I was being kidnapped!

Does this usually happen to kids like me?

Will I die?

The van started moving.

I was gone.

                               |Connor 11:23 PM|

I WAS RUNNING home and I glance at my digital watch. 11:23 PM it reads.

Why am I running? Well because this person on the road was very slow. Like a turtle. And then I cut in front of him and since he is so slow I accidentally on purpose ran into his car. That's what you get when your a slowpoke!

I hear a rattling sound in my back pocket. I touch a box. Cookie Dough Bites® is what I pull out. Yum, but no. I can't eat more sugar.

I am putting them back, when: BANG!

Two seconds later, I am flying across a dimly lit street. I feel very, very dizzy and disorientated.

I remember seeing a man. Not his face, but a man with a trench coat and black boots.

For a second, I feel this is the end of Connor.

                |George  8:00 AM|


"What?" I ask into my phone.

"We need you at work, now. Two people have been reported kidnapped. Witnesses say they heard loud banging and screaming and tires squealing away."

"Where were they last seen?"

"One, Tyler Sosa, was last seen on East 23rd Avenue. And Connor Darough, was last seen in the Muvico Theater on 1600 East 8th Avenue."

"I'll be at my office in 20."


I raced in a hurry to work. The lady at the desk told me to go meet Veronica Leon, my partner, at the scene where Tyler was kidnapped. The tire marks on the road coming out of the alleyway look fresh. Like it happened not along time ago.

"Lets go back and talk in your office," Veronica says.

Back in my office, I sit down and hand her a styrofoam cup full with coffee.

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