I'll Love You When No One Else Will: Preath (and Mal)

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Tobin Heath was sitting on her bed on the room she shared with one of her best friends. Tears rolled down her face as memories of words began to hit her like a tsunami.

"You idiot! Why would you be this way?!"

"Maybe we can fix her."

"Fix her?! No, she isn't our daughter anymore!"

"We could send her to therapy and maybe they could help."

"No, I'm done with her. That was the last straw, get out of my house! And don't ever come back!"

Tobin crawled into her bed. There was a knock at her door. "Mama? You in there?"

Tobin quickly wiped her eyes and called, "It's open!"

The door opened to reveal Mallory. Her face went from happy to worried as soon as she saw Tobin. "Mama, are you crying?" Mal got on the bed and sat next to her.

Tobin sniffled. "Maybe," she responded. "I just, don't feel well right now."

"I'm sorry," Mal said, pressing a hand to her forehead. "It doesn't feel like you have a fever."

Tobin shrugged. "What did you need anyways kiddo?"

"Well Mom wanted to know if you wanted to go out to eat tonight with us, Moe, Kling, Alex, and Olivia."

"Maybe if I'm feeling better."

Mal gave her a smile. "If you aren't I'll stay with you Mama."

"You don't need to do that Mal."

"I know," she kissed her forehead. "But I want to."

Tobin smiled at her "daughter". Mal said she would be back in a little while to check on her. As soon as she left Tobin pulled her knees up to her chest. She cried for a while until she fell asleep.


"Toby?" a hand was on her arm. That's what Tobin woke up to.

"Mmm," she mumbled.

"Hey," Press said gently. "Mal said you weren't feeling well earlier. What about now?"

"My head still hurts," Tobin mumbled.

"I'm sorry," Press said, brushing her fingers over her forehead. "You're a little warm. I'm guessing you don't want to go out."

"Not really," she replied.

"Do you want me to stay here?"

"No, Chris, it's fine. Tell Mal to go too, I don't want her staying back when she could be having fun."

Press chuckled. "Alright," she said. "I'm gonna get Alex to check on you though, okay?"

Tobin nodded. "Can I get you anything before I leave?" Press asked.

"Can you get me some water? Please?"

"Of course."

Press grabbed a water bottle out of the fridge and handed it to her. Tobin drank some of it and put it up as Press left. A few minutes later Alex walked in. "Hey hey hey!" she said, giving her a smile. "I heard my bestie wasn't feeling good so obviously, I had to come."

Tobin giggled and pat the bed next to her. Alex set the grocery bag she had brought on the nightstand and climbed into bed. "I brought Asprin, Gatorade, crackers, and movies."

"You're the best," Tobin said, leaning her head on Alex's side.

"I know."

Alex felt her best friend's forehead. "You don't have a fever, maybe you're stressed?"

Tobin sighed. "Lex I need to confess something."

Alex sat up and so did Tobin. "What's going on?" Alex asked, her eyes showing nothing but concern.

Tobin looked down. "I'm gay."

Alex's eyes went wide for a minute, but the expression was soon replaced with her sweet smile. "Well then," she said, giggling.

"What? What's funny?"

"The fact that you were scared to tell me. I'm your best friend, I'm not Hinkle."

Tobin laughed at the last part. Alex gave her a tight hug. "I hope you know you have to tell Christen and Mal."

"I know."

Tobin sighed and Alex looked at her. "What else is on your mind?"

Tobin looked up at Alex with tear filled eyes. "My parents disowned me."

Alex's eyes went wide. "WHAT?!"

"I'm afraid Mal won't want me as her mom."

"If you haven't noticed, she calls you Mama and Press Mom, I'm pretty sure she already ships it."

Tobin giggled a little. Alex gave her a smile and held her close. "Get some sleep Toby, you need it."


"Shh, Mal you're gonna wake her up," a voice hissed.

"Whoops, sorry Mom."

Tobin blinked slowly. She was no longer in Alex's arms. She was lying in her bed. She sat up a bit and saw two of her favorite people looking at her. She looked at her phone.

<Baby Horse>

Sent them in, tell them

Tobin sighed and sat up completely. "Toby?" Press asked. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Tobin wiped the sleep out of her eyes. "What time is it?"

"5:30," Mal replied. "We have to go to dinner in half an hour. Alex said you wanted to talk."

"Yeah," Tobin sighed. "Please don't hate me."

"Mama I could never!" Mal said as Press said, "I would never hate you Tobin."

Tobin bit her bottom lip. "I'm gay."

The room went silent. "My parents disowned me."

Press wrapped her arms around the brown haired girl. Tobin cried on her. "Tobin, shhh, it's okay, shh."

When Press calmed her down Tobin looked her in the eyes. "Press, I think I'm in love with you."

Press gave her a smile. "So do I."

And then they kissed.


Press laughed and turned to Mal. "You're seventeen, almost eighteen, I think you can handle a kiss?"

"Knowing you two, it'd turn into more than a kiss."

Tobin's eyes went wide and she blushed. "I love you two," she laughed.

She put and arm around Press and an arm around Mal. They both smiles at her. "We love you too!" they said together.

Sooo what do you think? Part 2? Send requests please!!

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