Tag #2

797 6 1

I was tagged again, thanks etherealth!

Eye Color?


Last Movie Watched?

Uh, The Fault in Our Stars... you guys will be finding out why soon

Languages I Speak?

Currently only English, but I am in the process of learning Spanish so I can figure out what someone (ya know who you are) is saying to me

Zodiac Sign?


How Did You Pick Your Username?

Well, I love soccer and basketball, and I was born in '03 soooo yeah

Favorite Holiday?

Lauren obviously ;) jk jk, it's Christmas

Favorite Band?

Either Fall Out Boy or Panic! At The Disco (don't judge me bruh)

Curly or Straight Hair?

Very straight and stuck in one place mostly because I'm too lazy to do anything with it

Last Person You Hugged?

Kennedy and Helen at the same time. They attacked me I tell you! We fell backwards and were sprawled out on the hallway floor and the rest of our friends just kinda stood there like, "Oh Lord we don't know them."

Onto the Tags!





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