Flower Crowns - O'Solo (Half Shot)

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"Happy Anniversary!" Mal sang as she sat next to Kelley and Hope during breakfast.

"Mal," Christen scolded. "Don't bother Hopey and Kels, let them eat in peace."

"She's fine," Kelley laughed. "Where's T?"

"Sick, in bed," Christen sighed. "She told us to give you guys this though."

Christen handed Kelley a wrapped box. "We'll open it a bit later," she smiled. "You really didn't have to get us anything."

"Toby insisted on a gift, well, we hope you guys have a nice anniversary, I have to get this one to her doctor's appointment."

Kelley and Hope waved as they left. They soon finished breakfast and since they had the day off, walked upstairs to their room. "So, what did Tobin get us?" Hope asked, sounding amused.

"Who knows," Kelley laughed. "I'm honestly kind of scared to open it, it's probably a prank."

Hope shook her head. She let Kelley tear into the packaging. She couldn't see what it was, but she heard Kelley laugh. The redhead brought the box over to her. "Flower crown making kit," she laughed. "I should've known it would be something like this."

Hope snickered and opened up the packaging. "Might as well, it's not like we have anything else to do."

They began to read the instructions and started on their crowns. Kelley finished one pretty quickly, and set it on Hope's head proudly. About half an hour later, she had made another one, and then an hour after that she had four. Hope was still struggling with one.

"It really isn't that hard," Kelley teased, wrapping her arms around her shoulders. "Or are you too old for this too Solo?"

"Shut up," Hope pushed her off, giving her the cold shoulder.

Kelley rolled her eyes and laid back on her bed. She got on her phone for a little while, realizing that this was going to be a long day.


Two hours later, Hope was not even halfway done with her flower crown. "I really just do not understand this," she groaned, throwing her head back in frustration.

"That's because you're doing it wrong!" Kelley sat next to her on the floor.

"I'm following the instructions though!" Hope pointed out.

"But are you following your heart?"

"Don't start with me Kelley O'Hara."

Kelley crossed her arms over her chest. "Let me help."

"No! I've got this."

"Uh huh," Kelley took Hope's hands, looking her in the eyes. "Please?"

Hope sighed, signifying that she had given in. Kelley helped guide her hands so that she carefully finished the flower crown. Once it was done, Hope placed it on top of Kelley's head. She smiled and kissed the goalkeeper. "I'm sorry I didn't let you help," Hope breathed.

"Don't worry about it," Kelley smiled. "I love you Hope Ameila."

"I love you too Kelley Maureen."


"What the heck are you two wearing?" Mal asked as Hope and Kelley sat down for lunch.

"Mallory," Press scolded. "Be nice."

"Tobin's gift," Kelley laughed. "It was a flower crown making kit."

"Oh my gosh I'm gonna kill her," Christen muttered, shaking her head.

"Nah don't," Hope smiled. "She brought us closer, and she knew it would. Tobin has an interesting mind, but it can be smart every once in a while."

The four laughed and Kelley placed her head on Hope's shoulder. Hope pulled her close, kissing her head. "Best. Anniversary. Ever."

The redhead smiled. "Agreed."

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