Open When... You're pulling an all nighter

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Dear Boyfriend, 

You're gonna stay up all night my chicken? Whether it's for homework, or something else you need to finish, or you're just bored, not tired, or you slept during the day, the reason doesn't matter. Look at the contents of this envelope. You will find 2 coupons enclosed for different occasions. One is for me to stay up with you on the call until 3 am. No matter what I'm currently doing or what I have going on the next day, this coupon guarantees I'll be yours to chat with until 3 in the morning. I won't fall asleep or leave and have minimal to no distractions. Use this whenever you want to have a deep conversation with me and I'm being lazy and falling asleep. Then all my attention will be completely focused on chu and we will have a very pleasing conversation. The other coupon is for me to stay up until 7, which is the time when my classes are in session. I'll talk to you about anything you wish, and all my attention will be on you. These coupons ensure that you are my top priority. Don't worry, I won't leave and I'll be sure to come up with some interesting topics and games we can play. Nothing like my parents, laptop, or TV, or homework will disturb me from our conversation. I promise. I squish. I'll make sure our conversation is worth it and you won't regret it. And of course this goes without saying that I definitely won't fall asleep on the call if you decide to spend these coupons. To use these special coupons, tell me at least a few hours ahead so that I will get done with schoolwork or anything else, snuggle into the warm covers of my comfy bed, and prepare some interesting topics for this upcoming, lengthy discussion of ours to entertain the both of us. You obviously can't use it if I'm already sleeping. Tell me which one you want to use as well. You have the one until 3 am and the complete all nighter one at your fingertips. This is one of my unique gifts to you that I surely hope you appreciate and admire my dedication towards you and our magical relationship. And if you fall asleep while using these coupons, well then haha no refunds! They never expire just like our love never does either. Can't wait for our midnight conversations. I love you so much!

*Coupons for me staying up

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