Random Letter #10 (When You Smile)

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Dear Boyfriend,

You should know by now how much I love your smile. Your smile has the power to alleviate all the evil in the world and spread peace and happiness globally. Your smile is so sweet and precious. I could never get enough of how your face lights up when you flash me a smile. The smile upon your face is so friendly and kind. It is appealing in every way and it consistently astounds me how one person's smile can have this huge an impact. But you're not just any one person. You are MY one person. My one and only, united at the heart, forever-lasting hubby. Your smile is truly the most wonderful thing in the world – a work of art -- and it is one of my favorite things about you. Your smile is so beautiful that it could solve all my problems in a second and melt away all my stress. Your smile diminishes my worries and eliminates my problems. I always ask you to smile more because I adore seeing that perfect face of your illuminate with that delightful smile. Your tender smile makes me so cheerful, and reminds me of the good in the world. I am ecstatic with joy when I see you smile. Even when I see the corners of your lips begin to curl into a smile, my eyes glimmer with hope at the thought of me making you smile. I hope that this letter prompts you to smile much more often when you see me because I am definitely in love with that adorable smile of yours. Even when we are not together; when we Skype and I see you flash me a smile, I get joyous and jubilant. Your smile is the cause of my happiness. Your smile is the cause of MY smiles. See how many amazing things happen just from your smile? So please love, as a favor to me, smile more often. We'll both be happier in the long run. And I in turn, will try to make you smile as much as possible. I hope you see my efforts and my love when I try to make you smile. My compliments, my sweet words, and my loving jokes are all geared to ignite a smile on your face. I never want to hear you say that you have an ugly smile ever again. That is untrue and will never be true. It breaks my heart when you think like that. Nothing about you is ugly and will never be ugly. Your smile is beautiful and it will continue shining on, beautifully. Take the time to count how many times I've said the word "smile" in this letter, and then multiply it by 1,000. That's how much I love your smile.

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