Open When... It's Halloween

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Dear Boyfriend,

BOO! Did I scare you?

Hi honey. Once again it's time to dress up in costumes and go door to door to random houses and ask people to feed you. What a wonderful time. Can't you tell I'm in the Halloween spirit? I know that I'm not going to be with you today but that doesn't mean that I can't wish you a happy Halloween! Don't get sad over the fact that I can't go trick or treating with you or see you today. You know that I'll be thinking about you and carrying you in my heart as I consume pounds of candy. You know how much I love candy and sweets. You can't cure a chocoholic especially on Halloween. And I know you'll be devouring candy as well. Baby, I hope you have fun with whatever you're doing today, and don't forget about me. I promise I'll be safe and I won't eat TOO much candy (I'll save some for later). I won't get home too late either, because we have school tomorrow for some unnecessary reason. They really should cancel classes because Halloween is a tradition of paramount importance. I love you so much sweetheart, remember that you are always on my mind, circling my thoughts. You are within every one of my heartbeats and I adore every little thing about you. Happy Halloween.


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