Random Letter #4 (I Miss You So Much)

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Dear Boyfriend,

How much I miss you... An incredible number far too large to count, and far too surprising. I miss you so so so very much. From spending every weekend with you, to being shut out of your life is a very difficult transition. I can't live like this honey. I go insane, I have breakdowns, I lose control. It is not healthy for me and I am not ok. I cannot continue living this way. Clouded with depression and surrounded by my repetitive thoughts. It's not right, and it's not what I deserve. All I want is to love you. I want to hold you in my arms and feel your smooth skin. I want to be embraced by your protecting hug. I want to give you sweet kisses everywhere.  I just want to be with you and show you and prove to you how much my love glows. I miss you baby. I miss loving you in the many ways I used to. I miss the way we held hands. Like we were a united bond, glued together at the hand, and nothing could separate us. We were so connected, so inseparable. I need that back love, I can't live without it. I miss the way we used to hug. You were always so warm, so soft, so cuddly, so squishy, and so fluffy. Your hugs comforted me. Your hugs protected me, and I felt safe and secure in your arms. You held me like it was the end of the world, like every hug would be our last, and I loved that. Who knew that this would be our fate? No one. But at least I'm grateful that you never missed a second to hug your little princess. To hold her tight in your arms and not let her go. I miss your kisses. The most painful thing to lose of all. I miss them baby, I need your lips. Your kisses were so passionate and loving. Your lips were always soft and welcoming. I could kiss you every second of every day and still miss your lips. Your lips made all my stress melt away as I fell into the spell of love and desire that they cast upon me. Baby, I don't think you completely understand to what extent I miss you. I miss you so much that sometimes I just want to curl up in bed and let the tears roll down my face. I miss you so much that I start looking through pictures of us and through the treasure chest you gave me and I get very emotional. I miss you so much that sometimes I hug my blanket or my kitten tightly at night and pretend that it is you. God baby, I've realized by now that my life is nothing without you. I wouldn't be able to love anyone else other than you sweetheart. You are my universe, my world, my heart, my one and only. I'd give anything to be cuddled by you right now. I'd give anything to have you on top of me, tickling me to the point where I let out little snorts. I just want us to be smiling, laughing, and happy just like we were in the past. I love you so much dear. This is killing me, and no matter how hard I try to stay strong, something always breaches, and finds a way to break me down. But for you baby, I'll do the impossible. I'll find a way to stay strong, only for you. So that the day you come back, we can be reunited, and live in peace and happiness. I miss you tremendously, never ever forget that. 

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