Chapter 1 (Intro)

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Since the early days of her youth, Y/n has inhabited Bird Island. The girl had no whereabouts of her human parents, nor any memories of them. Bill and Becka found the child on the cold, damp shore of the Island. Her (s/c) skin was embedded with particles of sand, surely being uncomfortable on the child's side. Becka's feathered arms scooped the girl up in her warm embrace, engulfing her in a blanket of comfort, "Where are her parents? There's no sight of them."


The family of three strolled through the dirt paths of the wild jungle, advancing towards a clearing suitable for a picnic. "Mom, I think it's going to rain." The small Y/n whined to her mother, fretful as to what the outcomes of the gloomy weather would be. "Don't worry, it'll pass. It always does." Becka reassured her daughter with a soothing tone. A long, wooden bridge was the only obstacle separating the family from the clearing across. A river, 30 feet below, shifted violently between the two walls of solid matter. "I don't want to go!!" Y/n commenced to yell at the top of her lungs, begging her parents to stop venturing any further. Bill clenched onto the miniature palm of her daughter, gently tugging her along with him. Becka was the first set her talons on the boards of wood hanging over the river. Still holding onto the petrified Y/n, Bill advanced towards his wife in a casual manner. A booming 'snap' echoed through the vacant air; it was lucid as to what the outcome of this would be. With a mighty force, Bill hurled his daughter onto the rough Earth at the last second. Their hysterical screams were permanently implanted inside the girl's mind as her parents met their fate with the water below. The bodies were never recovered.


Precisely 18 years have passed since the fatal incident. Y/n has distanced herself from the other birds over the course of the long years.

(Angry Birds Movie) Red/Leonard X Human! ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt