Chapter 12

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AN: Hey guys so change in plans. Someone suggested I give the reader powers, and I thought that was a great idea. Now you will be able to learn about what happened to the reader's biological parents

Ross was putting on Y/n's make-up. "Please, just let me go. I don't love Leonard, I love Red", Y/n said sadly. Ross looked at Y/n, he felt pity for her, he did. "I can't. I would, but I can't. You have to marry him", Ross said putting blush on Y/n. "But why? Why can't I just go back to the island with the eggs?", Y/n asked frustrated. Ross stopped, "You really don't know, don't you?". "What are you talking about?", Y/n asked confused. "The story about the Two Kings...let me show you", he went to the book shelf and took out a dark green colored book. "40 years ago, there were two kings. King DirtRod -King of the pigs- and King James - King of the humans-. Both were very good friends for the longest of time. Many years passed, and one day, a fight a broke out against humans and pigs, wiping almost all of humanity out. Queen Anne in the time was pregnant with a girl. At one point the queen was so sick, that she was almost at the point of dying, so the King sent out his last remaining soldiers to find a cure. They came back with an extraordinary leaf that was said to cure anything and anyone. They made a tea out of the leaf, and immediately served it to the Queen. Soon after, a healthy baby girl was born, little Princess Y/n. Days passed, and the King assumed that the Pigs we're going to stop, but the King was so wrong. The Pigs attacked, causing the last remaining humans to perish, except Y/n. Before they reached the King and Queen, they set Y/n in a basket and sent if off to sea. Legend has it that the Princess has a secret power within her, and that King DirtRod's son, King Mudbeard, is out to get it.", Ross finished as he went back to putting on Y/n's make-up. "So...Leonard's dad killed my kind, and now Leonard wants my powers...", Y/n said shocked. "Yes, if you marry Leonard, the power will be his, it's just the way it works", Ross said while fixing Y/n's hair. "Well I thought he was only marrying me because of my looks", Y/n said annoyed. "Oh he is, but he also wants the power within you", Ross said smiling. "Done!", Ross yelled happily.

~With Red and Chuck in the castle~

Red and Chuck ran through the halls, they passed through Bomb, who was stuck in a wall, but Chuck immediately noticed him. "Red wait! I know that rear end, it's Bomb!", Chuck yelled trying to pull Bomb off the wall. "That's not his rear end man that's his face", Red joked, helping Chuck oull Bomb out. "Cmon guys, let's go find Y/n and the eggs", Red said walking fast through the hall. "There they are!", a guard pig said from across the hall. Red, Chuck and Bomb looked at him angrily. "Where is Y/n and the eggs", Chuck asked curling his wing into a fist. "You'll never find them, and if you do, it'll be too late", the pig said walking towards them. "What do you mean we'll be too late? What's gonna happen", Bomb asked angrily. "The King plans to marry her, and to eat the eggs after", he said smirking. Red turned angry, really angry. He started running towards the pig, then, he let out all his anger on him. "He is not gonna marry her! She's mine! Mine mine mine!", Red yelled angrily, kicking and punching the pig with all his might. Some guard pigs heard all the racket and made their way to where Red was beating up the pig. "Get them!", they yelled as more pigs swarmed through the halls, grabbing Chuck and Bomb, and taking them away. Then they separated Red from the pig and carried him away.

~With Y/n and Ross~

Y/n walked through the hall with Ross. They were making their way to the dining room. The guard opened the doors for them, only to reveal Leonard sitting across a long wooden table. "Well my dear, you look lovely~", Leonard said seductively.

(Angry Birds Movie) Red/Leonard X Human! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now