Chapter 15

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The chandelier landed roughly on the ground below, causing Red, Y/n and Leonard to lose their grip and fall into the pile of TNT. Y/n groaned in pain, she shut her eyes for a few seconds. A couple seconds later, she felt something helping her up. "Red", Y/n said smiling as she got up. Her smile turned into a frown when she saw that it wasn't Red who helped her was Leonard. Y/n tried to run away, but his grip on her arm tightened. "Now now, where do you think you're going sweetheart?", Leonard asked, pulling Y/n closer to him. "Red!", Y/n screamed, looking for Red and the egg. Red groaned and slowly got up, the egg was next to him, no damage happened to it fortunately. "Red!", Y/n screamed again, struggling from Leonard's grasp. "Let her go!", Red screamed, walking up to where Leonard was. Red looked up and saw the pot on the ledge of the giant hole, and that's when he got an idea. "It's over, you're finished eyebrows", Leonard said laughing insanely. "Well you know what? I guess you win", Red said smiling after awhile. "What?", Leonard asked confused as Y/n looked down sadly. 'He gave up on me...', she thought. "That was an awesome plan, mind blower", Red said chuckling. "Really? Well thank you. You know alot of hard work goes into my sinister plans, it does", Leonard said laughing again as he walked down the pile slowly with Y/n in his arms. "Nah I mean your plan was great!", Red said laughing as he noticed that the giant pot started falling. "But you didn't plan for THIS!", Red screamed angrily as he pulled one of the TNT boxes off the pile, causing Leonard and Y/n to fall down. Before they reached the ground, Red got ahold of Y/n's hand, fortunately Leonard couldn't hold on so he let go of her hand. "Cmon!", Red screamed as he helped Y/n's up onto the top of the pile. "Agh!", Leonard screamed as he started to climb over the TNT to make his way to Red and Y/n. Red quickly helped Y/n up to the top of the chandelier as Leonard got closer. Red got a candle from the chandelier and threw it into the pile of TNT. Red then got on the top of the chandelier with Y/n and gave her the egg. "You have annoyed me for the last time", Leonard said as he reached out to grab Y/n. "Yep", Red said as the pot fell on top of Red and Y/n. Leonard stopped and looked around, the TNT exploded, causing him to scream in fear.

(Angry Birds Movie) Red/Leonard X Human! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now