Chapter 7

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Leonard was sitting down talking to Ross while the other birds either danced or talked too. "They lied to me, to us, to all of us!", Red said storming in as he got on a table. "They said there were only two! Look at what we found", Red said pointing to a big group of pigs. "How do we know what they're even here for? What if they're here to hurt us?", Red continued as the judge sighed loudly. "It's true", Y/n said standing on the table with Red, "We don't even know what they're contentions are, and we're just inviting them as if they were our own? Well I call that crazy and very weird". "Oh, just like how we allowed YOU to our kind", Stella said from the the crowd. Y/n stopped, it felt as if time itself just frozen, "Well that was not my fault!", Y/n screamed with tears in her eyes, "It's not my fault that I lost my parents". Red hugged Y/n and looked at Stella angrily. "Now now let's all calm down. Look the Red bird is right, I lied to you, but you see, I had to do it for their protection. My cousins here are simple folk. Look...A...B...C?", Leonard said asking a pig. "Uhhh", the pig said sticking his tounge out. "See? I didn't want to risk their lives...I'm sorry, and we were even gonna put on a cowboy show, but if you don't want to see it, we understand", Leonard said looking down sadly. "We'd LOVE too see your cowboy show", the judge said patting Leonard's back, "As for you four, your making our guests feel very uncomfortable, you should be ashamed of yourselves". Red and Y/n got off the table and looked at each other as if they lost hope. Y/n walked away sadly as the cowboy music started to play. Red walked home too, as well as Chuck and Bomb.
~At Y/n's house~
Y/n sat on her couch, she felt as if she got slapped in the face. Not only because she failed to get rid of Leonard, but because of what Stella said. "Why are birds so cruel?", Y/n asked herself covering her face with her hands, and then she lost it, tears streamed down her eyes. "Why did they have to leave me? Why couldn't they have just listened to me", Y/n said standing up. She went through all the photos of her with her parents, "I miss you guys".
~Next Day~
"Alright everyone today's assignment is to paint whatever you'd like", Matilda said peacefully. Y/n saw that Chuck was painting a picture of himself, Bomb was just making a mass with the paint, and Terrance was painting himself with Matilda. "Okay guys so this is where you get to see the nicest view of the beach", Stella said from behind. Everyone turned around to see Stella with the Judge, Leonard and some other pigs. Y/n and Stella's eyes met, Stella could see that deep inside Y/n, she was breaking down, slowly. "Hey. Hello. Excuse me. Buddy?", Red said looking at Leonard carrying an egg, "Those are fragile, maybe you shouldn't pick them up alright not yours". "Oh my friend from the banquet...Oh that's a very good painting, very good", Leonard said sarcastically. "Oh uh the assignment was paint your pain so I painted YOUR pain, it's actually a first in a series", Red said smiling as he showed Leonard the pictures, "There you go. This one is nice. I call this one concursus (idk the word). And oh! I call this one bye bye. Y/n giggled and looked at Leonard who was staring right at her, he smirked and walked towards her. "And what are you painting my dear", Leonard said getting closer and closer. "I'm just painting a picture about the birds I love the most and something else for someone", Y/n said revealing her first painting. It was a picture of her, Red, Chuck, Matilda and Terrance, "Bye now, go enjoy the rest of your tour". "You know your a cute short little thing", Leonard said smirking wider. Y/n blushed, and Red grew very angry, "Hey back off, she doesn't like you and never will", he said angrily. The judge groaned, "May we continue with our tour now". "Yes, that sounds good", Leonard said winking at Y/n and walking back to the group. "We need a plan", Red said looking around, and stopped at the Mighty Eagle statue"Y/n, Chuck, Bomb come here". Everyone made their way to Red. "We have to go look for Mighty Eagle, he can help us", Red said confidentially. "I've run all around this island, I've never seen him", Chuck said confused. "Maybe he's not down here, maybe he's up there", Red said pointing to an eagle shaped mountain. "Yeah! Let's go!", Bomb said excitedly. "Guys I can't go", Y/n said looking down. "What? Why", Red asked worriedly. "Well someone has to stay and make sure that the pigs don't hurt other birds or something", Y/n said. "No no no I don't trust you here, alone, with Leonard", Red said walking towards her. "You guys go, I can be with Matilda or Terrance or Hal or Bubbles, it's fine", Y/n said smiling. Red sighed, "If anything happens to you, I don't know how I'd live with myself...". Y/n blushed, "Don't worry about it, now hurry along, the pigs are getting worse by the second". "Bye, be careful", everyone said walking towards the mountain.

AN: So as you can tell this story is kinda coming to an end, but I'll still make a continuation of this series once it's done. I wanted to ask that one I finish this book, I'm going to do more X readers. Mostly transformers. But I'd like a few villain requests from you guys, what X reader stories would you wanna read?

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