chapter 1 ✦ not normal

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"Peter!" I screamed as my eyes shot open. I jumped up and noticed that I was on the ground in the middle of a forest. I rubbed my eyes and I was suddenly taken to Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop. I stood up and looked around. "Peter!" I called again. Nothing. I walked ahead towards the back room while taking small steps. I pushed the curtain back with my arm and peeked into the back room. That's where I found Peter who was mixing some potions together. "Peter?" I softly said, but he didn't hear me. He was focused on his work. I walked a few steps towards him and reached out, touching his shoulder. He immediately turned his head at a speed that was unimaginable with a nasty glare. I stumbled back in shock. He snickered, grinning. He stepped towards me, but I kept backing up until my back was up against a wall. I stared at him in fear, watching as he lifted his hand. Dust laid in it. He blew it in my face and I started to couch, covering my mouth. I felt myself choking. The dust cleared up and I found myself in a steel room. There was no way out. "You gotta be kidding me," I snapped, rushing over to a wall and pounding on me. "Let me out! Peter! Help! Somebody help me!" I heard a faucet turn on and water pouring into the room. I turned around and saw green water coming towards me. It smelt so bad. I backed into the corner and stared at it as it crept towards me. It reached my feet and quickly filled up to my ankles. I screamed as the water burned my skin, the flesh peeling off. My soul was draining and I felt dizzy. I kept screaming in pain as the water surrounded my body, going up. "Peter!!!"

I shot up from the bed, my breath quickening as I tried to catch it. It was a dream. I sighed in relief, putting my hand to my forehead. I could feel the sweat on it. My clothes were sticky. I reached into my pocket and grabbed a picture. In front of me in my hand was that picture of Peter and I where we are hugging each other while also looking at the camera. A tear slipped out of my eye and I quickly wiped it away. What happened? I got off of the bed and ran out of the bedroom, going down the stairs. I got the bottom, just in time for everyone to come barreling in the apartment door. The tear stains were visible on my cheeks. I shoved the picture into my pocket. I wiped another tear away and looked up at the group that came through the door, chatting away and moving to the living room or kitchen. Emma saw me and rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" She asked, worriedly. I nodded, pushed past her, going to the door.

"I'm fine," I said, grabbing my fleece coat from the hanger by the door. The others; Regina, Zelena, Baby Robin, David, Mary Margaret, Hook, and Henry just stared at me. "I'm going out."

"Riley, you need to be careful. That bastard, Hyde is-" I cut my father off.

"Dad, I can take care of myself," I promised him with a fake smile. He didn't look convinced.

"How do you know Hyde anyways?" Regina spoke up, crossing her arms over her chest. "You two seem very familiar with each other," I grabbed the doorknob and pulled the door wide open. I ignored her and closed the door as everyone cried and protested for me to come back. I hurried down the stairs, going out of the building. I was on the streets now. I turned a corner and headed down on the sidewalk. I looked ahead and spotted the Storybrooke bar, the Rabbit Hole. I could go for a drink. I pushed the door open and entered the bar. It wasn't very full when I looked around. I walked over to the counter bar and sat down on a stool. The guy behind the counter turned around and I jumped, clutching my chest. "Jesus!"

"Didn't mean to scare you," Peter laughed as he grabbed a glass, cleaning it with a cloth that was in his hand. "Thought you'd expect me. I'm a figment of your imagination after all."

"Just because you're dead doesn't mean you get to haunt me. I have enough on my mind. I'm focused on forgetting you," I snapped, glaring at him. He slammed the glass on the counter in front of me and got a drink gun, squirting alcohol into my glass. He got out a separate glass and filled it with beer. He raised it in the air.

"To forgetting," He proposed and I nodded, raising my glass as well.

"I'll drink to that!" I smiled and started to chug the alcohol. I closed my eyes. I could feel it burning the back of my throat. It felt good. I put the glass down and opened my eyes. Peter was gone along with the glass of alcohol I had a few seconds ago. I stood still for a few minutes until I got down from my chair, looking around the bar. I was all alone. Was I going crazy? Surely, seeing your dead husband wasn't normal, but to be fair, nothing is normal around here. The opposite of normal, quite frankly. 

Ayeeeee first chapter! Did you like it? :D This sunday. I was going to post this next week, but I just was so excited, I couldn't resist! I'm so excited! Thanks for commenting, voting, and encouraging me! It means a lot <3

- head lost girl  :)

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