chapter 15 ✦ jailed

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I leaned my head against the cell wall as I sat on the bed. I sighed and groaned to myself. 

"Nice to see that those heroes have a handle on you now," The Evil Queen's voice said and I closed my eyes in annoyance before turning my head to her. She was sitting on top of a desk, smirking at me. "Good morning." 

"It was until you showed up," I snapped, turning away from her and staring ahead into the other cell. The Evil Queen chuckled and pushed off of the desk, walking towards me. 

"I'm surprised your knight and shining armor hasn't come to visit his lovely wife," She pointed out, but I stayed silent. She pouted when I didn't respond. "Silent treatment, huh? We can fix that," Suddenly I felt a pressure in my throat and I started to cough. I was lifted into the air and carried over to the edge of the cell, my body pressing against the bars. I glared at her as I coughed. 

"Go-" I slipped out, coughing. "To hell," She smiled at my words, amused. She didn't let me go. "Emma!" I tried screaming, but it only came out as a whisper. She inched her face closer to mine. "Go ahead," I breathed out in between chokes. "Kill me!" Hot tears rushed down my cheeks. 

"No," She only said before letting me go and disappearing in a cloud of red. I dropped to the ground, swallowing the air and coughing. 

"Riley!" A familiar voice screamed. I looked up and saw Peter rushing to me. My heart fluttered, but the last words he said to me echoed in my mind. As he approached the cell, I crawled away. 

"Didn't think you'd come back for a villain," I snapped, getting back on the bed and into the corner. Peter's face fell and he looked at the ground, ashamed. "They have me locked up like one," He gripped the bars and sighed. 

"I'm sorry. You're not a villain. Far from it. You've come a long way, we both have and I shouldn't have left you. That's not what a good husband does," I looked down at the ground as he talked. "Everything is crumbling apart. We're stuck in this shit town, but I think I may have found a way to get us out of here," I snapped my head towards him and he had the biggest grin on his face. I got up and rushed over to the bars of the cell, gripping them. His hands went on top of mine. "What if I told you that I have a way to get us back to our island." 

"I would say that you're crazy. How?" I excitedly said. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my lips. 

"Another curse." 

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