chapter 8 ✦ bringing you back

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I have the power. I placed the book down on the table I had set up in a clearing of the woods. Candles surrounded it. CRACK! I jumped at the thunderstrike. I felt the rain pouring on my face, soaking my hair and clothing. I waved my hand over the book and casted a protection spell so it wouldn't get wet. I had a small cauldron on the table. I put my hand in it and the water started to boil. I quickly got my hand out and closed my eyes, whispering the spell from the book. CRACK! CRACK! BANG! I grabbed my sword from my scabbard that was around my waist and put the sharp blade in the palm of my hand, pressing it into my skin. Blood drew. I winced and put the sword back, squeezing drops of blood out of my hand and into the cauldron. Lightning went off and flashed, shedding some light on me. Darkness came again. The wind started to pick up and I put some of the ingredients in the pot. I waved my hand over the cauldron and whispered the spell again. I held my hand out and a wand materialized in it. A bright light ignited from the tip of it. Magic shot out of it and into the cauldron. I dropped the wand and was thrown by against a tree. I yelped as my back slammed into the bark. Floating in the air, the wand shot out its magic and a bright light emanated from the cauldron. The light shot up into the sky and thunderstruck into the ground, leaving a burnt mark. The light ducked down and back into the cauldron, disappearing. Darkness again. I got up and dashed towards the wand, picking it up. Did it work? 

"Peter?" I called, my voice echoing. Nothing. "Peter!" The only thing I could hear was the rain. "Peter! Where are you?!" Tears flowed down my cheeks and a sob escaped my mouth. 

"Riley?" Someone called back to me. My breath hitched in my throat. "Riley? Are you there?" Peter!

"Peter!" I ran off into the woods, searching. "Peter! Come to my voice!" 

"Riley!" He screamed to me. I started to panic. I need him. I can't live without him. I need to be pressed close to him. I love him. I'd die for him. I'd do anything for him. Thunder boomed behind me. "Riley," His voice was softer. I grew out of breath and stopped running. I peered through the trees and my eyes caught those familiar emerald ones. They stared back at me. I was speechless. It was Peter. The rain soaked his clothing and hair like me.

"Peter," I whispered under my breath. My hand loosened its grip on the wand, making it fall to the ground. I ran as fast as I could up to him and wrapped my arms around him. His arms immediately tightened around me and I sobbed into his chest. "You're back," I cried. "I did it. You were dead and now you're back," He soothed me, stroking my head. I pulled away from him and cupped his cheeks, pressing my lips to his. I felt at home. I was finally home. The kiss was perfect. He kissed back with so much passion. He pulled back and rested his forehead against mine. 

"That was the only thing that kept me sane in the Underworld," He whispered to me, his hot breath hitting my face. I smiled and connected our lips again. "I love you," He mumbled against my lips. I smiled into the kiss and pulled back for breath. 

"I love you," I said, out of breath. 


- head lost girl :) 

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