chapter 16 ✦ curses

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My face fell at his words and I let his hands fall from my grasp. Shaking my head, I stepped back and sat down on the small bed that was provided in my cell. Here we were again. Falling back into that vicious cycle of good and evil. It was a back and forth fight. I didn't even know what my true intentions were anymore. My heart longed to be back on that island, but then again, what would the cost of that be? 

"You can't be serious?" My voice cracked and I looked down at my hands. They came up to my face and I let it rest in them. "A curse? Really?" I abruptly stood up and went to the back wall of the cell, resting my head against the brick. I gulped and closed my eyes. I could hear Peter sigh from the other side of the bars. 

"It's the only way," He softly said. He too was done with the battle we've been going through. The real world was not a place for us. It didn't want us and we didn't want it. It didn't have the thrill we were looking for. It was like being trapped inside a goldfish bowl. If we can't be ourselves, then who are we? "Nobody, but you and I know about this. We could do it tonight." 

"At what cost?" I asked, pushing myself off of the brick wall and walking back over to him. 

"Nothing," I scoffed at his words. "It's true." 

"Then why am I so hesitate to believe you?" I snapped. "I have been through so many curses. My life has been one big whole curse. How will this be any different?" 

"You'll just have to trust me," Peter reached inside the cell and grabbed my hand, rubbing his thumb on my wrist, lovingly. I huffed and closed my eyes, fighting the tears from falling. 

"Okay," I nodded and he softly smiled. 

"I love you," Soon enough, he was gone and left me with my thoughts. Great. I sat down on the bed and awaited Emma to show back up. It was a few hours later when she walked into the station. I stared at her as she approached my cell with a set of keys. She unlocked my cell and swung the door open. I stayed on the bed, breaking eye contact, too tired to fight. 

"I'm done," I spoke. "I don't want to fight anymore. I want peace and I mean it this time," Emma walked over to me and sat down next to me. "I don't want to be angry anymore," I glanced up at her. "I may have said some nasty things to you over the past few years, but I am lucky to have known you, Emma," Emma was a little stunned at my maturity. What she didn't know was that this was a goodbye. "I have been jealous of my father's happiness and I've always resented him for trying to find what he couldn't find with me. That was unfair and I'm sorry." 

"Thanks, Riley," She quietly said and you nodded with a small smile. "Come here," She brought you into her arms and engulfed you. One down, many more goodbyes to go. I walked out of the station with my hands in my pockets, noticing as I trudged past people that many threw a stare at me like I was completely insane. I held my head high and suddenly, I had a spring in my step. Peter was going to find a way home, my real home. Neverland. I entered Granny's Bed and Breakfast and I was definitely not welcomed. Granny had her hands on her hips as she watched me come up to the front desk. 

"What do you want?" She snapped and I smiled, tapping my fingertips on the counter. 

"I came by to collect my stuff," I told her and she raised an eyebrow. "It'll take 5 minutes," She still stared at me. "Well, come on, get your crossbow," I wormed my way around the counter and into the hallway where all the rooms were. Granny watched as I made my way to my old hotel room. "I'll be out of your hair!" Surprisingly, the door was unlocked and I entered. Everything was as it was before. I started to gather my things and grabbed my discarded suitcase that was on top of the covers of the bed. I packed all my stuff and closed the door behind me, waving goodbye to Granny. I took my time walking down the sidewalk until I heard someone whisper my name. I looked all around and turned my head to an alley to see Peter leaning against the wall. I smiled and made my way over to him. He engulfed me in his arms and I felt him slip something in my hand. I pulled away and looked down at it. It was a scroll. 

run together ✦ once upon a time #5 [final book]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя