chapter 9 ✦ amends

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"I can't believe I pulled that off," I breathed out as I helped Peter out of the dark woods. "I thought she was lying to me," I quietly mumbled, hoping he wouldn't hear me, but my plan failed. 

"Who?" He asked and I ignored him. He stopped which caused me to stop. He ripped his arm from me and glared at me. "Who, Riley?" 

"Can we not do this?" I pleaded and he shook his head. 

"When we got married, we vowed to tell each other everything! I have the right to know. Who gave you that book?" He yelled and I felt a headache coming on. 

"Can't we just celebrate that you're alive?!" I shouted and his eyes darkened. "I just got you back and I don't want to start off this wonderful moment with anger!" 

"I can't celebrate until I have all the facts," He softly sighed and my shoulders relaxed. I remained silent for a moment before closing me eyes and huffing out. 

"The Evil Queen," I told him and he furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion. 

"Regina gave you the book?" 

"No, the Evil Queen did," I told him again. I stared into his eyes. "She's back." 

"Back?" He asked. 

"After I returned, the Evil Queen somehow separated from Regina into a different person. I don't know how, but she's here in Storybrooke," I explained and he stared at me. "She said if I did her a favor, she would give me the spell book." 

"What'd you do?" Peter snapped and I sighed. 

"Does it really matter?" 

"Yes!" He was quick to answer me. 

"Someone else is in Storybrooke too. Two somebodies, actually," I rephrased. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are here exact like the the Evil Queen, they are two different people too." 

"What'd you do, Riley?" He asked again. 

"Emma and the others captured him, imprisoning him in the hospital. I broke him out," I finished. 

"Fuck," He cursed under his breath, rubbing his head. I stepped closer to him, grabbing ahold of his hand. 

"I did it to be with you! I love you! I can't live without you," Tears poured down my face. "I love you, Peter. You're here. We can finally run away from all of this trouble, together. That's what we've always wanted." 

"Not like this, Riley. What will Emma think? Or in more serious matters, what will your father think?" He rambled. 

"They don't matter. We won't be here to feel their wrath," I smiled, cupping his cheek to make him look at me. Those emerald eyes greeted me, making me feel warm. "They will understand. I would like to think Emma would understand. She went to the Underworld for my father," He didn't say anything. "Please don't be disappointed in me," I begged in a whisper. "I just wanted you back in my arms again," That's when he cursed again, looking away from me, but soon returned to my gaze. 

"I love you," He spoke and I smiled, kissing him. He pulled away from me which confused me. "We can run away, but after we defeat the Evil Queen and Hyde. After, you made amends with the others." 

"Of course," I said and he nodded in agreement. 

"Now, is Granny's still open?" He asked and I laughed. 

I still haven't watched the episode yet. This was basically a filler. 

Q: What actress do you picture Riley as? 

love you guys! <3

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