Chapter 1: Dog days are over

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Present Day

"Excuse me." I mutter and try to walk faster while weaving through the crowds. What I really want to say is "Ew, humans everywhere."

It's official, I hate people. Alright maybe not all people. I'm trying to make my way to my creative writing class and it's as if everyone has decided to walk in slow motion or take up all the walking space in the halls. I know it's only the first day of the fall semester but I'm already running late since I accidently forgot to put my alarm.

Well, I kind of did. See what had happened was that I was so tired from getting my supplies ready for today I thought I had put my alarm on, plugged my phone to charge, and fell asleep.

Apparently I was so tired that instead of setting my alarm, I had entered the wake up time on my phone's calculator. How I managed to screw that up, I have no idea. It would have been hilarious if I hadn't overslept.

Shit! I hate being the last one in the classroom because everyone turns to stare at you like you just committed murder or treason.

I finally make it to room 202 and breathe a sigh of relief. I notice that several students are still missing since there's plenty of desks left and I take a seat in the middle row.

As I pull out a pen and notebook from my old black and white striped tote bag to write notes, I notice someone sit next to me. Maybe it's someone I know and I can have a friend in this class?

I turn to see Alex Woods and sigh. He's known around here as University of Houston's "popular bad boy". For all I know, he probably has slept with half the school's population. Sorry, but I'm not interested in man whores. Especially when it reminds me of my ex. Which I'm not going to think about. I've moved on. That asshole. Ugh, I said I wouldn't think about him.

"Hey, that's not normally the reaction I get." He smirks and tilts his head to look at me better.

I decide to ignore him. I have no clue why out of all the desks, he decided to sit next to me. I look around and notice all the desks have filled up quickly.

"What's your name?" He tries again.

Should I tell him so he can shut up? Or will he just keep talking.

"Fine. Don't tell me. But personally I think we are going to be great friends. Maybe I should tell you a bit about myself so you can trust me. Stranger danger and all that. That's why you're not talking to me right?"

I don't respond.

"So here it goes. My name is Alexander Daniel Woods. I have amazing black hair and piercing green eyes as told to me by various ladies. My major is in marketing. My blood type is O positive, my social security number is 45-"

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up?" I finally break.

He laughs. "I'm glad you can talk. For awhile I thought you were mute. So, what's your name?"

I decide to lie and say "Jenny. Satisfied now?"

"Hmm. I would be if you didn't just lie to me Amelia."

"How do you know my name?" I try to keep my mouth from falling open in surprise. Which I'm pretty sure I fail at.

"Babe, its written on your notebook." He points to my visible and horrible handwriting.

Great, now I feel stupid.

"Can I borrow a pen?"

"Fine." I throw the pen at him but he catches it with ease and blows me a kiss.

Overconfident jerk.

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Hall and only have one rule for this class. If you don't follow it I will fail you without a second thought." The middle aged man casually remarks as he makes his way to the computer in front of the white board.

Everyone has stopped what they are doing to hear what this mysterious rule is.

"You may never, under any circumstance, talk about any House of Cards spoilers. I know all the episodes are on netflix but I haven't gotten around to it. So, does everyone agree?"

Throughout the class you can hear laughter and some agreeing.

"Alright, now that that's out of the way, why don't we go around the room and introduce ourselves?" You can hear several groans and complaints throughout the filled room with about 30 students.

I mentally agree with them. I loathe public speaking. Which is ironic since I want to be a journalist. But I want to do the writing stories and typing part, not the be in front of a filming camera part.

"Wow, don't sound so excited guys. Just say your name, major, and your favorite candy." Mr. Hall adds.

He starts at the front of the room and one by one, everyone gets their turn. When it lands to me, I clear my throat and speak up.

"My name is Amelia Morgan. My major is journalism and my favorite candy are jelly beans." At least that's over now. I really hate having attention on me.

"What's up guys?" Alex starts and people clap for him. I really try not to roll my eyes. The clapping encourages him to stand up and continue.

"My name is Alex Woods, my major is marketing, and my favorite candy is any chocolate." He is about to sit down but quickly stands again. "By the way, I want everyone to meet my new bff Jenny!" He then points to me and sits down.

So much for no extra attention on me. If I could, I would hide under the desk.

When the class is over and Mr. Hall has given us our syllabus, I make a run for it to try and get something quick to eat. My stomach is grumbling for food.

I make it to the cafeteria and take in the smell of fresh food. It smells like heaven. Luckily, it's not to busy so it shouldn't take long to pay, eat, and make it to my next class with time to spare.

I get in line to look at the options when I feel a light tapping on my shoulder.

"I forgot to give this back." Alex hands me the pen he borrowed.

"You followed me here just to give this back? It's just a pen." I mutter.

"For all I know it could be a very important pen for you. I made sure it stayed unharmed. I protected it with my life." He mocks being serious.

"Um, okay. Thanks?" I throw it in my tote and continue to look at the different array of fruits and oatmeal.

"Hey what are friends for?" He beams his super white teeth at me.

"We aren't frie-" I start but get interrupted when a blonde girl in a short skirt and tight blouse hugs Alex from behind.

"Alex! I haven't seen you all summer! Come sit with us." She twirls her hair around her finger and gives him a suggestive smile when he turns to her.

"Alright." He turns to look at me and adds, "See you around Jenny. Let's get lunch sometime." Then he's off following the blonde who is with another group of what appears to be cheerleaders.

Well, that was weird. From rumors I've heard, he likes to chase and play with girl's feelings. I only happen to know this because my best friend since freshmen year, Ann, knows all the gossip in this place. Since I don't know him personally, maybe I shouldn't judge him. He's an adult after all, he can do whatever he wants. But the one thing that I know for sure is that I won't be falling for him like everyone else does.

*Chapter Note: Here's the first chapter and updates will be every Saturday!

Also, please read the prologue(previous chapter) if you haven't yet, it's important to the story :)

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