Chapter 35: Smile

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“You are seriously letting me down. I’m about to disown you. Who orders regular food at IHOP instead of breakfast?” Ethan asks me with a look of absolute disbelief spread on his features.

“Me, apparently. I don’t feel like eating waffles right now, so I’m sticking with my club sandwich.”

“Honestly Alex, you deserve much better than Amelia. Her choices are odd.” Ethan dramatically advises and to get him back, I lightly kick his leg under the table.

His choice to sit opposite me was his downfall. He didn’t really have a choice since Alex is beside me and his mom is beside him, but I like to think things worked out perfectly for this moment.

“Ow, that hurt.”

“Good.” I smile and bite into my suddenly controversial food choice.

“Settle down children. Don’t make me separate y’all. So, why don’t you tell us about yourself Alexander?” Angela turns her attention to an unsuspecting and blueberry pancake eating Alex. I know her well enough to know that this is a subtle sign, signaling her oncoming inquisition.

He doesn’t know it, but it’s basically a test. Kind of like when teachers act all nice and say “don’t worry, this isn’t for a grade. It’s just to see what you already know” but then hold it against you later on.

“You can just call me Alex, no need to be so formal.” He gives a lighthearted chuckle before continuing. I forgot how charming and what a people person he can be. “I’m a twenty three year old marketing major at U of H. I was born and raised here in Houston. My hobbies include binge watching my favorite T.V shows on Netflix and procrastinating finishing my school work. My favorite sport is basketball and of course the Rockets are my team. If you root for the Spurs, we might not get along. Finally, the things I love most in life are my friends, brother, and Amelia. Wait, can’t leave out Dwight.”

Not going to lie, I felt butterflies in my stomach when he included me in that list of things he loves most. Plus, I’m kind of surprised he didn’t mention coffee.

“Aww, marry him now Amelia. If you don’t, I will.” Ethan coos with a mouthful of french toast.

“I must admit, that was a pretty good and endearing introduction. Important question though, who is Dwight?” My aunt questions with a raised brow.

“It’s his child, basically.” I remark and munch on a fry after dumping it in my pile of ketchup.

“It’s my pet corgi who gets spoiled all the time by Amelia.” Alex pauses before continuing.” Sorry, but it’s weird calling you by your name. I’m used to Jenny.” He suddenly brings up, and this time I want to kick him in the leg instead.

“Jenny? Is that some bedroom role play thing? Please stop talking guys.” Ethan complains and I flip him off.

“No, there’s a story behind this. It’s how we met.” Alex answers and I hear Angela gasp.

“I want to hear the story! Amelia never tells us anything. Was it a meet cute?” She adds with excitement in her eyes.

This took a turn that I was not expecting. It’s like I’m in an alternate universe right now.

“Wait a minute. Where are the twenty thousand questions you always ask? What’s happening here?” I ask confused.

“I like him.” She shrugs. “He passed the test, now stop interrupting. I’m waiting to hear the story.” Angela then motions with her hands for Alex to continue.

Alex is too good with people. I should really take notes of his social skills.

“It all began when I was just trying to be a nice and friendly person to Amelia. I also happened to be needing a pen.” He starts and I inwardly cringe.

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